Posts tagged ‘westport events’

Blues on the Rideau with Boogie Patrol




2017/18 SEASON – our 13th year!


April 20 – From Edmonton – BOOGIE PATROL

One of western Canada’s premier party bands. Led by singer/harp player Rott’n Dan (who reminds me of an early Joe Cocker) and Yuji Ihara on guitar these guys bring an amazing amount of energy to the stage. Fabulous Blues/Rock/Soul & Funk. You’ll be buzzing for a week after this show! YOU TUBE


NOTE: Bands and dates may change due to unforeseen circumstances so check the websites and or call The Cove 613-273-3636 for updates.

Cost: $65.


Date :
Friday, April 20, 2018 from 7pm to 11pm


Event location :

The Cove
2 Bedford St.
Westport, Ontario K0G1X0 Canada


Contact :

James Doran
Phone: 1.888.COVE.INN
Website: or



PITCH-IN April 15-28. Pitch-in & help clean up roadsides, parks, school yards & shorelines. Pick up your free pitch in (coloured) bags at the Municipal Office, Post Offices & Libraries. Call 1-800-928-2250 ext 285 for more information.  Thank you to our dedicated volunteers who “pitch-in” each year. Your efforts truly make Rideau Lakes a welcome community!


Date :
Sunday, April 15 to Saturday, April 28, 2018


Event location :
Rideau Lakes, ON, Canada

Some kind of Concert


Saturday, April 14 – SOME KIND OF CONCERT at Elgin United Church at 7pm – With Sean and Alex Price, Soul Purpose.  Entrance by Donation. Sponsored by the Westport Arts Council. Proceeds to RDHS Instrument Repair Fund


Date :
Saturday, April 14, 2018 at 7pm
Friday, April 20, 2018 at 7pm


Event location :
April 14: Elgin United Church
April 20: Knox Presbytarian Church, Westport


Contact :
Westport Arts Council


Walking Country Roads in Westport – April Sessions


Stay active during the spring/summer months. Join us for a free outdoor walking program!

  • Meet at Lockwood Park – 31 Spring Street
  • Please wear appropriate footwear and bring a water bottle
  • Rain or Shine – excluding extreme weather conditions

This event is open to everyone.


Date :
April 4, 6, 11, 13, 18,  20, 25, 27, 2018 from 9am to 10am

Event location :
Lockwood Park – 31 Spring Street

Contact :
Emily Beelen at 613-272-2799 Ext.256

2018 WAC Photo Contest in Westport


Westport Arts Council Annual Photography Contest:  April 1 to December 31, 2018.  For all amateur photographers – visitors or residents. Looking for photographs that celebrate the beauty of Westport and immediate surrounding area of North Crosby.


Capture the beauty and excitement of Westport from 1 April until 31 December 2018.

The annual WAC Photo Contest opens 1 April 2018 for all amateur photographers. We are looking for photographs that celebrate the beauty of Westport and immediate surrounding area of North Crosby. There is lots going on in the Village and area this year including those untamed moments in nature, stunning summer sunsets, winter sports and everything else in between, just as long as it happens in the Westport area.


1st: $100

2nd: $75

Youth: $50

1 April 2018 until 31 December 2018. Open to all amateur photographers residing or visiting the Westport area. Limited to 5 entries per person. Entries can be submitted to, subject line “photo contest 2018 entry”.


Date :
Sunday, April  1, 2018


Event location :
Westport, ON, Canada


Contact :

Village of Westport :: April ongoing events 2018

1BINGO every Monday night at the Upper Rideau Branch 542 (Westport) and Thursday night at the Elgin Lions Hall. Doors open at 6:00pm.


BRIDGE every Tuesday at 1:00pm at the Elgin Municipal Complex.  Info 613-359-6192. 2


CHAFFEY’S LOCK COMMUNITY HALL MARKET SQUARE every Sunday from late May to October.  Local crafts persons and artists.


COFFEE DROP-IN: Throughout the Township come and enjoy a bit of social fun!  Bring your 3latest craft project, a deck of cards or just yourself.  Children are welcome.  Donations appreciated.  Every Monday morning from 8am to 10:30am at the Delta United Church – call Pat Philips 613-928-2712; Tuesday mornings in Morton – Morton Mug – contact Linda Gamble 613-876-3884; every Wednesday morning from 10am to Noon at the Newboro Community Hall call Joan 613-272-2393; Thursday mornings at the Portland Community Hall contact Betty James 613-272-2461 and every Friday morning at the Elgin Municipal Complex Community Hall from 9:30am – call Linda Carr 613-272-2227.


4COMMUNITY LUNCH The 1st Friday of the month at the Elgin Municipal Complex – 11:30am to 12:30pm soup and sandwiches.  It’s a pay-what-you-can lunch. Contact Linda Carr 613-272-2227.  The 4th Tuesday of every month at the Portland United Church from noon to 1pm call 613-272-2002 for details.


5COMMUNITY SHOPPING BUS sponsored through the Portland Seniors Club leaves for the local shopping mall in Kingston every 2nd Tuesday of the month.  Call Vicki at 613-272-2676 to reserve your seat.  Cost $15.00 return trip.  Not just for seniors!  All ages welcome.


DELTA McMUFFIN LIGHT BREAKFAST every Saturday morning from 7:30am to 10am at Delta United Church.  $5 will get you coffee with an egg & English muffin and a chance to meet your neighbours.  Everyone is welcome.


6EUCHRE is played Monday afternoons at the South Elmsley Community Hall (Marie Jordan at 613-283-4035), Tuesday afternoons at the Elgin Municipal Complex Community Room (Doug Summers 613-359-5744), Wednesday evenings at the North Crosby Community Hall (6 hand) (Jim Mulville 613-273-3008), Thursday evenings at the Upper Rideau Branch 542, Westport (Joan Thompson 613-273-5613) and at the Delta Legion every Friday at 7pm (Pat Philips 613-928-2712).  Forfar Euchre is every Friday at 7:30pm in the hall.


PARKINSON SUPPORT GROUP meets the last Monday of every month at 1:30pm at Community Home Support  Services, 40 Sunset Blvd Suite D, Perth.  Contact Melissa McDougall at 613-267-6400 


11SPAGHETTI DINNERS 1st Friday of every month at the Portland Legion; 2nd Friday at the Elgin Lions Hall and also combine their very popular Quiz Night with the spaghetti dinner (teams of 6 start the game at 7pm) and the 3rd Friday is at the Upper Rideau Branch 542, Westport.



Westport’s Kitchen Party!


East Coast Kitchen Party – March 24 1pm to 4pm at The Cove. Westport Arts Council Fundraiser.  $10 (kids free) Reservations are recommended!  Call the Cove:  613-273-3636.

Date :
Saturday, March 24, 2018


Event location :
The Cove
2 Bedford St.
Westport, Ontario K0G1X0 Canada


Contact :
Phone number: 613-273-3636 –  Website:

What’s Cooking in Westport!


Cook together in the community kitchen on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month! What’s Cooking in Westport is on the 1st Tuesday each month (10am-1pm) at the Free Methodist Church! Learn new skills, take home food. Childcare is available.

Join us to try new foods and recipes, share a meal, bring extras home, have a good time, and meet new people in your community. We pick the recipes together, focusing on local, seasonal, budget-friendly ingredients. Some months we have a specific cultural theme, a guest speaker from the community, or a special event.

The group is facilitated by Registered Dietitian, Kate Earl, from Country Roads Community Health Centre. We discuss different nutrition and food safety topics each month and members share healthy eating tips with each other.

The program is FREE. There is no cost to participate. We also offer free childcare. Please ask us if you need help with travel costs. All we ask from you is that you participate in the cooking (and clean up!), come ready to have fun, and be open to trying new foods.


Date :
Tuesday, March 20, 2018 from 10am to 1pm


Event location :
Free Methodist Church
Westport, ON, Canada


Contact :
Phone contact: 613-272-2799 X237

Happy St Patrick’s Day!

Saint Patrick’s Day, or the Feast of Saint Patrick , is a cultural and religious celebration held on 17 March, the traditional death date of Saint Patrick (c. AD 385–461), the foremost patron saint of Ireland.


St Patrick’s Day in Canada:


In Canada, St Patrick’s Day marks the feast day and anniversary of the death of a Christian missionary known as Patrick. He was born in the year 387, probably somewhere near the present day border between Scotland and England. At the age of 16, he was captured and taken to Ireland as a slave. During this period, he became very religious and after six years he fled back to his family.

Later in his life, he returned to Ireland as a missionary. He is said to have played an important role in converting the inhabitants of Ireland to Christianity and in ridding the island of snakes. However, there is no evidence that there have been any snakes in Ireland in the past 10,000 years. The “snakes” he drove out of Ireland may represent particular groups of pagans or druids. It is believed that St Patrick died on March 17 probably in the year 461 or 493 (according to different sources). St Patrick is buried under Down Cathedral in Downpatrick, County Down, and is one of the three patron saints of Ireland. The other patron saints are St Brigid of Kildare and St Columba.


How about St Patrick’s Day in the United States?


St Patrick’s Day celebrations were brought to Canada by Irish immigrants. The day is a bank holiday in Northern Ireland and a public holiday in the Republic of Ireland. In the rest of the United Kingdom, the United States, Australia and New Zealand, it is celebrated, but is not an official holiday.

St Patrick’s Day, on March 17, remembers one of Ireland’s patron saints, St Patrick. It largely celebrates Irish-American culture in the United States.

Celebrations concentrate on Irish themed parties, drinks and food. Many people get into the spirit by dressing in green clothing and eating green colored food. Irish clubs and pubs often hold parties or have special deals.


Symbols of St Patrick’s Day:


The most common St Patrick’s Day symbol is the shamrock. The shamrock is the leaf of the clover plant and a symbol of the Holy Trinity. Other symbols include:

  • Almost anything green.
  • The green, orange and white flag of the Republic of Ireland.
  • Brands of beer associated with Irish culture.

Religious symbols include snakes and serpents. Other symbols seen on St Patrick’s Day include the harp, which was used in Ireland for centuries, as well as the leprechaun and a pot of gold that it hides.


Date :
Saturday, March 17, 2018


Event location :
Westport ON



The Best in Classic Rock – The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Supertramp, Elton John, Steely Dan, Stevie Wonder, Chicago, Boston, Jethro Tull, Cream, Jimi Hendrix
Tony Silvestri – Vocals/Keys
Tom Savage – Guitar/Vocals
Richard Piche – Bass
Bonz Bowering – Drums
Tony Silvestri plays Boston’s Foreplay/Longtime!

Fees: $45 + HST Show and Delicious Buffet


Date :
Saturday, March 10, 2018 from 7 to 11pm


Event location :
The Cove, 2 Bedford St.
Westport, Ontario K0G1X0 Canada


Contact :
Seamus Cowan

Phone number: 1.888.COVE.INN