Posts tagged ‘Westport Community Centre’

Bingo Westport Community Centre

Bingo is back for the summer! Enjoy a fun evening of Bingo at the Westport Community Centre during the months of July & August. Every Wednesday night starting at 7pm you could be the next winner.

Bingo is sponsored by the Westport Lions Club. Up to $2000 in prized given away every Wednesday, so don’t miss out!

Bingo Westport Community Centre

The Westport Antique Show & Sale

Westport Antique Show and SaleThe 19th annual indoor Westport Antique Show and Sale will return to our beautiful Village again this year on June 4-5th, 2011. The show will be held in the Westport Community Centre on the corner of Spring and Concession Streets. Saturday show hours are 10am to 5pm, Sunday 10am to 4pm. Admission is $5, and children under 12 Free. Plenty of free parking!

This year there will be fifty exhibition booths with fabulous dealers from Ontario and Quebec. There will be 10 new vendors this year, all qualified antique dealers! The dealers promise to bring excellent fresh inventory including the finest antiques in glass, tools, china, pine furnture, pottery, crystal, silver, folk art, formal furniture, collectibles and much more!

For more information visit the Antique Show website.

Rideau Valley Art Festival 2009, Westport Ontario

Come one come all!!!

Come by boat, car, air, or on foot.

Be sure and take the time to visit the Original Art Exhibition located in the Westport Community Center. It begins on Friday, August 21 at 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Continues through Saturday, August 22 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Sunday, August 23 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Mark it on your calendars now.

For more information and directions, Click Here to visit