A Reminder about our very exciting workshops!
Join the Westport Centre for Creative Learning this summer!!
*Tell Your Story! Storytelling & Personal Narrative **with Catherine
*July 19th 10am-4pm* $65.00
Storytelling is a popular art form at live storytelling events and on radio
shows and podcasts worldwide. It can also be used as a tool to improve your
public speaking, voice, and personal narrative writing. This full-day
workshop will introduce participants to the basics of telling a tale and a
variety of storytelling techniques. Each participant will leave the
workshop with one polished 5 minute story, as well as a pocketful of ideas
for future performances, personal essays or memoirs.
*Improvised Comedy for Fun & Creativity** wi**th Danz Altvater*
*July 20th 10am-4pm* $65.00
Improvisation is a valuable tool for performers of all stripes as well as a
fun, low-pressure way to start performing. Improv helps develop acting and
writing skills, and build one’s confidence, creative flow and public
speaking ability. This workshop is designed to introduce people at all
skill levels to the art of improvisation. Participants will get hands-on
instruction in improv comedy through various exercises, games and scene
work. Participants will end the day with a 20 minute performance open to
friends and family.
*Body in Motion- With FUN! **with Motus O Dance Theatre*
*July 26th 10am-4pm* $65.00
This workshop is an introduction to movement, designed for self-expression
and storytelling. A variety of motifs will be learned and explored
investigating time, space, shapes and flow always working within the realm
of one’s natural abilities. Individual, partner and group work will be
explored, inspiring moments of community and creativity. All skill levels
*Children’s Puppetry **with Matthew Romain*
*August 7th 10am -4pm *$*45.00*
Don’t miss this incredible opportunity for your child to create and work
with puppets!
Open to children of all ages and adults who are eager to let their inner
child play. This is a unique opportunity to work with Matthew Romain, the
Laughtertainer. Matthew has been performing imaginative stories and songs,
and creating amazing puppets to go with them since 1980. His work in
puppetry is known across Canada with over 1500 live performances to his
credit and finally here in Westport! His keen sense of fun is appreciated
by children and adults. During this workshop your very own puppets will be
created. The workshop concludes with a dynamic puppet sharing performed by
YOU and your puppet!
*Enjoy Singing* *with Ann Patteson*
*August 9th 10am – 4pm* $65.00
Have you always wanted to sing, but weren’t sure you could? This workshop
will dissolve your doubts! You’ll learn how to apply the fundamentals of
good singing technique and how to develop your own singing voice. We’ll
create simple, yet beautiful vocal music in a safe, relaxed group setting.
Ann has been a performing singer, and a vocal workshop leader for over 3
decades. She is an expert in finding the music in each person’s voice.
*Explore Poetry* *with Steven Campbell*
*August 10th 10 am – 1 pm* $30.00
Explore your creative process through the beauty and expressiveness of
poetic language. This workshop will be in the form of a guided and
facilitated discussion which will include the experiences and interests of
the participants. The workshop is for aspiring as well as more experienced
poets. We will review various sources of inspiration, the process of
exploration and creation, and rewriting and editing. Examples will be
drawn from the work of the presenter, as well as other writers.
Participants are invited to share their writing and creative experiences.
*Music by the Pond *
*Circus Terrifico **by* *Motus O Dance Theatre*
*July 27th 2 pm – 3 pm *
Come and enjoy a hilarious show by the nationally recognized Motus O. Dance
Theatre. Cirrus Terrifico is a comedy about three circus performers
boarding the train to their next show. A case of vanishing tickets,
however, thwarts their plans and strands them on the platform. It takes
every trick in the book (and their suitcases!) to create an impromptu show
to raise money for new tickets. This is a hilariously energetic
micro-version interpretation of the ballets, Sleeping Beauty and Swan Lake.
Bring the family! Light refreshments will be included.
Advanced Tickets: At the Door:
Student: $10 Student: $15
Adult: $15 Adult: $20
Family: $25 Family: $30
*Poetry Reading* *with Steven Campbell*
*August 10th 2 pm- 3pm* $10.00
Enjoy this beautiful setting while immersing yourself in the rhythm and
melody of Steven Campbell’s exquisite poetry. This is a poetry reading you
will not want to miss!
*Westport Centre for Creative Learning*
*Westport, Ontario*
*For any inquires please email: **info@centreforcreativelearning.com*
*REGISTER at www.centreforcreativelearning.com
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