Posts tagged ‘wesport events’

Spencer Evans « Mr Jazz.Night »


SPENCER EVANS was born in Picton, grew up around the Quinte area, and graduated from B.C.I. Spencer plays piano, clarinet, accordion, sings, dances, prances and has been a professional musician for the past 15 years. He has played Bermuda to Bosnia, New Orleans to the North Pole, and has recorded and toured with The Cowboy Junkies, Sarah Harmer and Pat Temple, and has performed with Jeff Healey, Dan Aykroyd, Willie P. Bennett, Jack Mahieu, Alex Pangman, Maria Muldaur, and Toronto’s Swing Gang, among countless others. Spencer has appeared on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno, CBC Radio’s The Vinyl Café with Stuart McLean, MUCHmusic and CMT. A resident of Kingston for several years, Spencer keeps busy playing with numerous local bands such as Bloom, Pico de Gallo, Ghetto Xpress, The River Cats and various jazzy combos.

SPENCER EVANS is famous in these parts for his TRIO and JAZZ NIGHT at The Cove Inn which has had a stint for about 23 years! It’s one of the most original and memorable Live Music Experiences you’ll have! The Popular Spencer Evans Trio with Andy Love on drums, Seamus Cowan on bass and Spencer Evans on piano, clarinet and vocals has proven a formidable three performing all styles of music to huge crowds of all ages. We hope to have them back soon after this pandemic…

Cost: Please Generously Tip Our Musicians


Date :
August 20, 2020 from 5 to 8pm

Event location :
2 Bedford St.
Westport, Ontario K0G1X0 Canada

Contact :
Phone contact:  1.888.COVE.INN


Tunes on Tap with Scott Owen


Scott Owen will be performing at the “Beer Garden” at the Westport Brewing Company on Sunday August 2nd from 2-4pm.

If you like music by Jason Aldean and Eric Church, you’ll love the energizing live show with Scott Owen country music artist and songwriter. Make sure to stop by between 2pm and 4pm to hear Scott perform. No reservations. Weather permitting. Social distancing in effect (maximum 10 persons per bubble!)


Date :
Sunday, August 2, 2020 from 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Event location :

41b Main Street
Westport, Ontario K0G 1X0 Canada

Contact :
Phone contact: 613-273-2739



Township of Wesport – December ongoing events


Every Thursday night at 6:00pm at the Elgin Lions Hall

Every Monday night at the Westport Legion where doors open at 6:15 and games start at 7:15.



Every Tuesday at 1:00pm

at the Elgin Municipal Complex

Info: 613-359-6192


Coffee & Chat Drop-In:

Throughout the Township come and enjoy a bit of social fun! Bring your latest craft project, a deck of cards or just yourself. Children are welcome. Donations appreciated. Every Monday morning from 8am to 10:30am at the Delta United Church – call Pat Philips 613-928-2712;Tuesday mornings in Morton – Morton Mug– contact Linda Gamble 613-387-3799 every Wednesday morning from 10am to Noon at the Newboro Community Hall – call Andi 613-272-5335 or Joan 613-272-2393;Thursday mornings at the Portland Community Hall contact Betty James 613-272-2461 and every Friday morning at the Elgin Municipal Complex Community Hall from 9:30am – call Linda Carr 613-272-2227.


Community Lunch first Friday of the month at the Elgin Municipal Complex – soup and sandwiches – contact Linda Carr 613-272-2227 and the 4th Tuesday of every month at the Portland United Church Noon to 1pm call 613-272-2002 for details.

Community Breakfast every 4th Tuesday at the Harmony Lodge in Philipsville. $7.00per plate starting at 8:00am. Sponsored by the Philipsville Masons, everyone is welcome. Contact Ross Hawkins for information 613-359-5833.


Community Shopping bus sponsored through the Portland Seniors Club leaves for the local shopping mall in Kingston every 2nd Tuesday of the month.

Call Vicki at 613-272-2676 to reserve your seat.

Cost $15.00 return trip.

Not just for seniors! All ages welcome.


Euchre is played in the Elgin Municipal Complex Community Room (Linda Barker 613-272-2533), the South Elmsley Community Hall (Dorothy Covell at 613-283-2572) and North Crosby Community Hall (6 hand) (Jim Mullville 613-273-3008) and in Delta at the Legion every Friday at 7pm (Pat Philips 2712).

Forfar Euchre is every Friday at 7:30pm in the hall. Games are also played at the Legion Halls and Lions Halls.

Spaghetti Dinners 1st Friday of every month at the Portland Legion; 2nd Friday at the Elgin Lions Hall and also combine their very popular Quiz Night with the spaghetti dinner (teams of 6 start the game at 7pm) and the 3rd Friday is at the Westport (North Crosby) Legion.


VIBE – Venturing in Biblical Education – Wednesdays April 22 to December 2 10am in Elgin and 7pm in Portland at the United Church.Contact Rev.

Contact Rev. Takouhi 613-272-8977


Township of Wesport – November ongoing events



Every Thursday night at 6:00pm at the Elgin Lions Hall

Every Monday night at the Westport Legion where doors open at 6:15 and games start at 7:15.



Every Tuesday at 1:00pm

at the Elgin Municipal Complex

Info: 613-359-6192


Coffee & Chat Drop-In:

Throughout the Township come and enjoy a bit of social fun! Bring your latest craft project, a deck of cards or just yourself. Children are welcome. Donations appreciated. Every Monday morning from 8am to 10:30am at the Delta United Church – call Pat Philips 613-928-2712;Tuesday mornings in Morton – Morton Mug– contact Linda Gamble 613-387-3799 every Wednesday morning from 10am to Noon at the Newboro Community Hall – call Andi 613-272-5335 or Joan 613-272-2393;Thursday mornings at the Portland Community Hall contact Betty James 613-272-2461 and every Friday morning at the Elgin Municipal Complex Community Hall from 9:30am – call Linda Carr 613-272-2227.


Community Lunch first Friday of the month at the Elgin Municipal Complex – soup and sandwiches – contact Linda Carr 613-272-2227 and the 4th Tuesday of every month at the Portland United Church Noon to 1pm call 613-272-2002 for details.

Community Breakfast every 4th Tuesday at the Harmony Lodge in Philipsville. $7.00per plate starting at 8:00am. Sponsored by the Philipsville Masons, everyone is welcome. Contact Ross Hawkins for information 613-359-5833.


Community Shopping bus sponsored through the Portland Seniors Club leaves for the local shopping mall in Kingston every 2nd Tuesday of the month.

Call Vicki at 613-272-2676 to reserve your seat.

Cost $15.00 return trip.

Not just for seniors! All ages welcome.


Euchre is played in the Elgin Municipal Complex Community Room (Linda Barker 613-272-2533), the South Elmsley Community Hall (Dorothy Covell at 613-283-2572) and North Crosby Community Hall (6 hand) (Jim Mullville 613-273-3008) and in Delta at the Legion every Friday at 7pm (Pat Philips 2712).

Forfar Euchre is every Friday at 7:30pm in the hall. Games are also played at the Legion Halls and Lions Halls.

Spaghetti Dinners 1st Friday of every month at the Portland Legion; 2nd Friday at the Elgin Lions Hall and also combine their very popular Quiz Night with the spaghetti dinner (teams of 6 start the game at 7pm) and the 3rd Friday is at the Westport (North Crosby) Legion.


VIBE – Venturing in Biblical Education – Wednesdays April 22 to December 2 10am in Elgin and 7pm in Portland at the United Church.Contact Rev.

Contact Rev. Takouhi 613-272-8977


Township of Wesport – October ongoing events


Every Thursday night at 6:00pm at the Elgin Lions Hall

Every Monday night at the Westport Legion where doors open at 6:15 and games start at 7:15.



Every Tuesday at 1:00pm

at the Elgin Municipal Complex

Info: 613-359-6192


Coffee & Chat Drop-In:

Throughout the Township come and enjoy a bit of social fun! Bring your latest craft project, a deck of cards or just yourself. Children are welcome. Donations appreciated. Every Monday morning from 8am to 10:30am at the Delta United Church – call Pat Philips 613-928-2712;Tuesday mornings in Morton – Morton Mug– contact Linda Gamble 613-387-3799 every Wednesday morning from 10am to Noon at the Newboro Community Hall – call Andi 613-272-5335 or Joan 613-272-2393;Thursday mornings at the Portland Community Hall contact Betty James 613-272-2461 and every Friday morning at the Elgin Municipal Complex Community Hall from 9:30am – call Linda Carr 613-272-2227.


Community Lunch first Friday of the month at the Elgin Municipal Complex – soup and sandwiches – contact Linda Carr 613-272-2227 and the 4th Tuesday of every month at the Portland United Church Noon to 1pm call 613-272-2002 for details.

Community Breakfast every 4th Tuesday at the Harmony Lodge in Philipsville. $7.00per plate starting at 8:00am. Sponsored by the Philipsville Masons, everyone is welcome. Contact Ross Hawkins for information 613-359-5833.


Community Shopping bus sponsored through the Portland Seniors Club leaves for the local shopping mall in Kingston every 2nd Tuesday of the month.

Call Vicki at 613-272-2676 to reserve your seat.

Cost $15.00 return trip.

Not just for seniors! All ages welcome.


Euchre is played in the Elgin Municipal Complex Community Room (Linda Barker 613-272-2533), the South Elmsley Community Hall (Dorothy Covell at 613-283-2572) and North Crosby Community Hall (6 hand) (Jim Mullville 613-273-3008) and in Delta at the Legion every Friday at 7pm (Pat Philips 2712).

Forfar Euchre is every Friday at 7:30pm in the hall. Games are also played at the Legion Halls and Lions Halls.

Spaghetti Dinners 1st Friday of every month at the Portland Legion; 2nd Friday at the Elgin Lions Hall and also combine their very popular Quiz Night with the spaghetti dinner (teams of 6 start the game at 7pm) and the 3rd Friday is at the Westport (North Crosby) Legion.


VIBE – Venturing in Biblical Education – Wednesdays April 22 to December 2 10am in Elgin and 7pm in Portland at the United Church.Contact Rev.

Contact Rev. Takouhi 613-272-8977


Township of Wesport – September ongoing events


Every Thursday night at 6:00pm at the Elgin Lions Hall

Every Monday night at the Westport Legion where doors open at 6:15 and games start at 7:15.



Every Tuesday at 1:00pm

at the Elgin Municipal Complex

Info: 613-359-6192


Coffee & Chat Drop-In:

Throughout the Township come and enjoy a bit of social fun! Bring your latest craft project, a deck of cards or just yourself. Children are welcome. Donations appreciated. Every Monday morning from 8am to 10:30am at the Delta United Church – call Pat Philips 613-928-2712;Tuesday mornings in Morton – Morton Mug– contact Linda Gamble 613-387-3799 every Wednesday morning from 10am to Noon at the Newboro Community Hall – call Andi 613-272-5335 or Joan 613-272-2393;Thursday mornings at the Portland Community Hall contact Betty James 613-272-2461 and every Friday morning at the Elgin Municipal Complex Community Hall from 9:30am – call Linda Carr 613-272-2227.


Community Lunch first Friday of the month at the Elgin Municipal Complex – soup and sandwiches – contact Linda Carr 613-272-2227 and the 4th Tuesday of every month at the Portland United Church Noon to 1pm call 613-272-2002 for details.

Community Breakfast every 4th Tuesday at the Harmony Lodge in Philipsville. $7.00per plate starting at 8:00am. Sponsored by the Philipsville Masons, everyone is welcome. Contact Ross Hawkins for information 613-359-5833.


Community Shopping bus sponsored through the Portland Seniors Club leaves for the local shopping mall in Kingston every 2nd Tuesday of the month.

Call Vicki at 613-272-2676 to reserve your seat.

Cost $15.00 return trip.

Not just for seniors! All ages welcome.


Euchre is played in the Elgin Municipal Complex Community Room (Linda Barker 613-272-2533), the South Elmsley Community Hall (Dorothy Covell at 613-283-2572) and North Crosby Community Hall (6 hand) (Jim Mullville 613-273-3008) and in Delta at the Legion every Friday at 7pm (Pat Philips 2712).

Forfar Euchre is every Friday at 7:30pm in the hall. Games are also played at the Legion Halls and Lions Halls.

Spaghetti Dinners 1st Friday of every month at the Portland Legion; 2nd Friday at the Elgin Lions Hall and also combine their very popular Quiz Night with the spaghetti dinner (teams of 6 start the game at 7pm) and the 3rd Friday is at the Westport (North Crosby) Legion.


VIBE – Venturing in Biblical Education – Wednesdays April 22 to December 2 10am in Elgin and 7pm in Portland at the United Church.Contact Rev.

Contact Rev. Takouhi 613-272-8977


Township of Wesport – August ongoing events


Every Thursday night at 6:00pm at the Elgin Lions Hall

Every Monday night at the Westport Legion where doors open at 6:15 and games start at 7:15.



Every Tuesday at 1:00pm

at the Elgin Municipal Complex

Info: 613-359-6192


Coffee & Chat Drop-In:

Throughout the Township come and enjoy a bit of social fun! Bring your latest craft project, a deck of cards or just yourself. Children are welcome. Donations appreciated. Every Monday morning from 8am to 10:30am at the Delta United Church – call Pat Philips 613-928-2712;Tuesday mornings in Morton – Morton Mug– contact Linda Gamble 613-387-3799 every Wednesday morning from 10am to Noon at the Newboro Community Hall – call Andi 613-272-5335 or Joan 613-272-2393;Thursday mornings at the Portland Community Hall contact Betty James 613-272-2461 and every Friday morning at the Elgin Municipal Complex Community Hall from 9:30am – call Linda Carr 613-272-2227.


Community Lunch first Friday of the month at the Elgin Municipal Complex – soup and sandwiches – contact Linda Carr 613-272-2227 and the 4th Tuesday of every month at the Portland United Church Noon to 1pm call 613-272-2002 for details.

Community Breakfast every 4th Tuesday at the Harmony Lodge in Philipsville. $7.00per plate starting at 8:00am. Sponsored by the Philipsville Masons, everyone is welcome. Contact Ross Hawkins for information 613-359-5833.


Community Shopping bus sponsored through the Portland Seniors Club leaves for the local shopping mall in Kingston every 2nd Tuesday of the month.

Call Vicki at 613-272-2676 to reserve your seat.

Cost $15.00 return trip.

Not just for seniors! All ages welcome.


Euchre is played in the Elgin Municipal Complex Community Room (Linda Barker 613-272-2533), the South Elmsley Community Hall (Dorothy Covell at 613-283-2572) and North Crosby Community Hall (6 hand) (Jim Mullville 613-273-3008) and in Delta at the Legion every Friday at 7pm (Pat Philips 2712).

Forfar Euchre is every Friday at 7:30pm in the hall. Games are also played at the Legion Halls and Lions Halls.

Spaghetti Dinners 1st Friday of every month at the Portland Legion; 2nd Friday at the Elgin Lions Hall and also combine their very popular Quiz Night with the spaghetti dinner (teams of 6 start the game at 7pm) and the 3rd Friday is at the Westport (North Crosby) Legion.


VIBE – Venturing in Biblical Education – Wednesdays April 22 to December 2 10am in Elgin and 7pm in Portland at the United Church.Contact Rev.

Contact Rev. Takouhi 613-272-8977


Township of Wesport – July ongoing events


Every Thursday night at 6:00pm at the Elgin Lions Hall

Every Monday night at the Westport Legion where doors open at 6:15 and games start at 7:15.



Every Tuesday at 1:00pm

at the Elgin Municipal Complex

Info: 613-359-6192


Coffee & Chat Drop-In:

Throughout the Township come and enjoy a bit of social fun! Bring your latest craft project, a deck of cards or just yourself. Children are welcome. Donations appreciated. Every Monday morning from 8am to 10:30am at the Delta United Church – call Pat Philips 613-928-2712;Tuesday mornings in Morton – Morton Mug– contact Linda Gamble 613-387-3799 every Wednesday morning from 10am to Noon at the Newboro Community Hall – call Andi 613-272-5335 or Joan 613-272-2393;Thursday mornings at the Portland Community Hall contact Betty James 613-272-2461 and every Friday morning at the Elgin Municipal Complex Community Hall from 9:30am – call Linda Carr 613-272-2227.


Community Lunch first Friday of the month at the Elgin Municipal Complex – soup and sandwiches – contact Linda Carr 613-272-2227 and the 4th Tuesday of every month at the Portland United Church Noon to 1pm call 613-272-2002 for details.

Community Breakfast every 4th Tuesday at the Harmony Lodge in Philipsville. $7.00per plate starting at 8:00am. Sponsored by the Philipsville Masons, everyone is welcome. Contact Ross Hawkins for information 613-359-5833.


Community Shopping bus sponsored through the Portland Seniors Club leaves for the local shopping mall in Kingston every 2nd Tuesday of the month.

Call Vicki at 613-272-2676 to reserve your seat.

Cost $15.00 return trip.

Not just for seniors! All ages welcome.


Euchre is played in the Elgin Municipal Complex Community Room (Linda Barker 613-272-2533), the South Elmsley Community Hall (Dorothy Covell at 613-283-2572) and North Crosby Community Hall (6 hand) (Jim Mullville 613-273-3008) and in Delta at the Legion every Friday at 7pm (Pat Philips 2712).

Forfar Euchre is every Friday at 7:30pm in the hall. Games are also played at the Legion Halls and Lions Halls.

Spaghetti Dinners 1st Friday of every month at the Portland Legion; 2nd Friday at the Elgin Lions Hall and also combine their very popular Quiz Night with the spaghetti dinner (teams of 6 start the game at 7pm) and the 3rd Friday is at the Westport (North Crosby) Legion.


VIBE – Venturing in Biblical Education – Wednesdays April 22 to December 2 10am in Elgin and 7pm in Portland at the United Church.Contact Rev.

Contact Rev. Takouhi 613-272-8977


Township of Wesport – June ongoing events


Every Thursday night at 6:00pm at the Elgin Lions Hall

Every Monday night at the Westport Legion where doors open at 6:15 and games start at 7:15.



Every Tuesday at 1:00pm

at the Elgin Municipal Complex

Info: 613-359-6192


Coffee & Chat Drop-In:

Throughout the Township come and enjoy a bit of social fun! Bring your latest craft project, a deck of cards or just yourself. Children are welcome. Donations appreciated. Every Monday morning from 8am to 10:30am at the Delta United Church – call Pat Philips 613-928-2712;Tuesday mornings in Morton – Morton Mug– contact Linda Gamble 613-387-3799 every Wednesday morning from 10am to Noon at the Newboro Community Hall – call Andi 613-272-5335 or Joan 613-272-2393;Thursday mornings at the Portland Community Hall contact Betty James 613-272-2461 and every Friday morning at the Elgin Municipal Complex Community Hall from 9:30am – call Linda Carr 613-272-2227.


Community Lunch first Friday of the month at the Elgin Municipal Complex – soup and sandwiches – contact Linda Carr 613-272-2227 and the 4th Tuesday of every month at the Portland United Church Noon to 1pm call 613-272-2002 for details.

Community Breakfast every 4th Tuesday at the Harmony Lodge in Philipsville. $7.00per plate starting at 8:00am. Sponsored by the Philipsville Masons, everyone is welcome. Contact Ross Hawkins for information 613-359-5833.


Community Shopping bus sponsored through the Portland Seniors Club leaves for the local shopping mall in Kingston every 2nd Tuesday of the month.

Call Vicki at 613-272-2676 to reserve your seat.

Cost $15.00 return trip.

Not just for seniors! All ages welcome.


Euchre is played in the Elgin Municipal Complex Community Room (Linda Barker 613-272-2533), the South Elmsley Community Hall (Dorothy Covell at 613-283-2572) and North Crosby Community Hall (6 hand) (Jim Mullville 613-273-3008) and in Delta at the Legion every Friday at 7pm (Pat Philips 2712).

Forfar Euchre is every Friday at 7:30pm in the hall. Games are also played at the Legion Halls and Lions Halls.

Spaghetti Dinners 1st Friday of every month at the Portland Legion; 2nd Friday at the Elgin Lions Hall and also combine their very popular Quiz Night with the spaghetti dinner (teams of 6 start the game at 7pm) and the 3rd Friday is at the Westport (North Crosby) Legion.


VIBE – Venturing in Biblical Education – Wednesdays April 22 to December 2 10am in Elgin and 7pm in Portland at the United Church.Contact Rev.

Contact Rev. Takouhi 613-272-8977


Township of Wesport – May ongoing events


Every Thursday night at 6:00pm at the Elgin Lions Hall

Every Monday night at the Westport Legion where doors open at 6:15 and games start at 7:15.



Every Tuesday at 1:00pm

at the Elgin Municipal Complex

Info: 613-359-6192


Coffee & Chat Drop-In:

Throughout the Township come and enjoy a bit of social fun! Bring your latest craft project, a deck of cards or just yourself. Children are welcome. Donations appreciated. Every Monday morning from 8am to 10:30am at the Delta United Church – call Pat Philips 613-928-2712;Tuesday mornings in Morton – Morton Mug– contact Linda Gamble 613-387-3799 every Wednesday morning from 10am to Noon at the Newboro Community Hall – call Andi 613-272-5335 or Joan 613-272-2393;Thursday mornings at the Portland Community Hall contact Betty James 613-272-2461 and every Friday morning at the Elgin Municipal Complex Community Hall from 9:30am – call Linda Carr 613-272-2227.


Community Lunch first Friday of the month at the Elgin Municipal Complex – soup and sandwiches – contact Linda Carr 613-272-2227 and the 4th Tuesday of every month at the Portland United Church Noon to 1pm call 613-272-2002 for details.

Community Breakfast every 4th Tuesday at the Harmony Lodge in Philipsville. $7.00per plate starting at 8:00am. Sponsored by the Philipsville Masons, everyone is welcome. Contact Ross Hawkins for information 613-359-5833.


Community Shopping bus sponsored through the Portland Seniors Club leaves for the local shopping mall in Kingston every 2nd Tuesday of the month.

Call Vicki at 613-272-2676 to reserve your seat.

Cost $15.00 return trip.

Not just for seniors! All ages welcome.


Euchre is played in the Elgin Municipal Complex Community Room (Linda Barker 613-272-2533), the South Elmsley Community Hall (Dorothy Covell at 613-283-2572) and North Crosby Community Hall (6 hand) (Jim Mullville 613-273-3008) and in Delta at the Legion every Friday at 7pm (Pat Philips 2712).

Forfar Euchre is every Friday at 7:30pm in the hall. Games are also played at the Legion Halls and Lions Halls.

Spaghetti Dinners 1st Friday of every month at the Portland Legion; 2nd Friday at the Elgin Lions Hall and also combine their very popular Quiz Night with the spaghetti dinner (teams of 6 start the game at 7pm) and the 3rd Friday is at the Westport (North Crosby) Legion.


VIBE – Venturing in Biblical Education – Wednesdays April 22 to December 2 10am in Elgin and 7pm in Portland at the United Church.Contact Rev.

Contact Rev. Takouhi 613-272-8977
