Posts tagged ‘Upstage’

Breakfast With The Arts – An Arts Round Table Discussion

Come and join us Saturday June 30, 2012 for a potluck breakfast at “upStage”. Coffee and tea will be pipin’ hot at 7:30 with meet & greet, yap & chat until 8:30.

This month’s topic will be ‘An Arts Round Table Discussion’ from 8:30-9:30.

Click Here to Download the Flyer

What are your thoughts on the Arts in Westport? What are your suggestions for future events promoting and supporting our Arts and Artists? Where we go depends on all of us working together to develop and maintain
programs and events that will inspire our entire community to participate!

Bring your plate, mug, utensils and a dish for 6 to share. We invite all to join us for this great time of sharing our love of the arts with our community.

We have a wonderful lineup of topics and speakers, so join us for BREAKFAST WITH THE ARTS Saturday June 30 2012 7:30am.
*sponsored by Artemisia and the WORDsmith

upStage is located at 22 Bedford Street, Westport ~ entrance at the back

Breakfast with the Arts Westport Style April 28

Come and join us for a potluck breakfast at “upStage” ~ upstairs at the WORDsmith, 22 Bedford St. (entrance at the back).

Coffee and tea will be pipin’ hot at 7:30 with meet & greet, yap &

From Philadelphia to Westport, via Istanbul, a castle in Germany, And the 100 Acres Wood and some other interest placed in-between, an interesting life – Geogia’s.

Bring your plate, mug, utensils and a dish for 6 to share. We invite all to join us for this great time of sharing our love of the arts We have a wonderful lineup of topics and speakers, so mark the last Saturday of each month to join us for Breakfast with the Arts…Westport Style sponsored by Artemisia and the WORDsmith.

February Breakfast with the Arts

This month’s Breakfast with Arts is scheduled for February 25, 2012. Hope to see you there!

Westport Ontario

Breakfast with the Arts Westport Style

Westport OntarioCome and join us for a potluck breakfast at “upStage” ~ upstairs at the WORDsmith, 22 Bedford St. (entrance at the back). Saturaday, January 28, 2012 starting at 7:30 am the first in a series of community sharing programs in all the arts.

Coffee and tea will be pipin’ hot at 7:30 with meet & greet, yap & chat until 8:15 Antony Powell, internationally known carver & sculptor will entertain us with stories of his art and his life from 8:15 to 9 am. Chat with Antony until you have go to work! Bring your plate, mug, utensils and a dish for 6 to share. We invite all to join us for this great time of sharing our love of the arts We have a wonderful lineup of topics and speakers, so mark the last Saturday of each month to join us for Breakfast with the Arts…Westport Style sponsored by Artemisia and the WORDsmith.

Kate & Hollis at Upstage

Kate & HollisBe entertained this Saturday with Kate & Hollis and Andrew Snow on Bass.

When: Saturday, September 11
Where: Upstage, 22 Bedford St, Westport (upstairs, entrance at the back of the WORDsmith)
Time: 7:30 pm

For ticket reservations or more information call 613-273-3222

Read some comments made from previous performances:

“…love of Applachian ballads…strong song writing skills”

“…a mondern sound with clear traditional roots…”

“…tight harmony & sparkling instrumentals on guitar, resophonic guitar, and old-time banjo.”