Posts tagged ‘Things To Do’

Ila Vann returns to the Cove


Join us on July 13 for a special night of R&B and Soul classics with special guest Ila Vann.

The Cove Inn hosts one of the most original and memorable live music experiences you’ll have! The Popular Spencer Evans Trio with Mike Sakell on drums, Seamus Cowan on bass and Spencer Evans on piano, clarinet and vocals has proven a formidable three performing all styles of music to huge crowds of all ages.

SPENCER EVANS was born in Picton, grew up around the Quinte area, and graduated from B.C.I. Spencer plays piano, clarinet, accordion, sings, dances, prances and has been a professional musician for the past 15 years. He has played Bermuda to Bosnia, New Orleans to the North Pole, and has recorded and toured with The Cowboy Junkies, Sarah Harmer and Pat Temple, and has performed with Jeff Healey, Dan Aykroyd, Willie P. Bennett, Jack Mahieu, Alex Pangman, Maria Muldaur, and Toronto’s Swing Gang, among countless others. Spencer has appeared on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno, CBC Radio’s The Vinyl Café with Stuart McLean, MUCHmusic and CMT. A resident of Kingston for several years, Spencer keeps busy playing with numerous local bands such as Bloom, Pico de Gallo, Ghetto Xpress, The River Cats and various jazzy combos.

SEAMUS COWAN plays the low bass and sings the high notes…Kind of strange but it works. Has played all kinds of music in his career so he fits right in.

MIKE SAKELL has a solid synergy with the boys. His drumming is some of the best around and his ferocity is difficult to tame, behind the kit that is. Together, the trio are a powerful combination.


Date :
Thursday, July 13, 2017 | 9 pm


Event location :
The Cove Country Inn,
2 Bedford St.,
Westport, Canada


Contact :
Phone contact: +1 613-273-3636

Rideau Lakes Studio and Garden Tour

The 19th RIDEAU LAKES STUDIO AND GARDEN TOUR What better way to spend the Canada Day Weekend than prowling the nooks and crannies of the Rideau Lakes area and checking out the gems to be found on this year’s Tour. This tour has become one of the most successful tours in the area and the artists are looking forward to showing off this wonderful country we live in.

The Tour continues to attract new artists while maintaining a core of favorites. Located in the heart of the Rideau Lakes district concentrated around the villages of Portland, Philipsville and Chaffey’s Locks, the 2017 tour will be held on Saturday, July 1st and Sunday, July 2nd, from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. At some studios you will meet surprise guest artists who are unadvertised but are invited by their hosts.

The goal is to have more than one artist at a stop to make your tour experience more enjoyable. You will find paintings, candles, pottery, quilts, weaving, woodworking, sculpture and jewelry for your home and garden. Free brochures guiding you through the tour are available at most area stores, restaurants and welcome centres.


Date :
Saturday, July 1 to Sunday, July 2, 2017


Event location :
Rideau Lakes, ON


Contact :
Phone contact: 613-359-594

Spring Fly-Inn!


Join us at the RIDEAU LAKES SPRING FLY-IN at the airport on County Road 10 just outside Westport. Enjoy a sausage on a bun breakfast, visit the hangers, watch flights land and take off, make a donation to the club and bring the family for an enjoyable outing.  Open all day for visitors.  Lots of parking space!  Ask about the proposed “Poker Run” and “Kids Flight Day” while checking out the clubs field house.


Date :

Saturday, May 20, 2017


Event location :

County Road 10, Westport, ON, Canada


Contact :

Contact: Bill Green
Phone contact: 613-273-5282

What’s Cooking in Westport


Cook together in the community kitchen on the first Tuesday of every month! Learn new skills, take home food. Childcare is available.  For more information check out Facebook!
Cost : free.


Date :
Tuesday, May 2, 2017 from 10 am to 1 pm


Event location :
Free Methodist Church
65 Bedford Street
Westport ON, Ontario Canada


Contact :

Organizer: Kate
Phone contact: 613-272-2799 X237
Website :

Bingo in Westport – May Sessions

Every Monday, doors open at  6pm, bingo at 7pm.   Free coffee, canteen available.


Date :
Mondays, 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 from 6 pm to 10 pm


Event location :
Royal Canadian Legion Branch 542,
Leeds and Grenville 10,
Westport, ON, Canada


Contact :
Phone contact : +1 613-273-3615

Thai Dinner and Wedding Awards


Thai Food + Wine Dinner was a super success! Thanks to everyone who came to take it all in! And huge thanks to Judy and Jojo and the team for their masterful flavor creations!



 Thai Apps


Thai Coconut Curry

We’ve been nominated for another SEO Wedding Award! Last year we won Best Accommodation. If you’d like to vote, please go to and help us out!


Thanks and see you soon,

Seamus and all of us at The Cove


Thanks to everyone for your support!

Famine and Shipwreck



An Irish Odyssey. This is a Westport Sesquicentennial Event.

CBC Film, the Hannah Project. Producer/Director Brian McKenna will be present.

Free Admission – Donations to the Westport Heritage Committee are welcome.



Date :

March 3, 2017 from 7 to 9 pm


Event location :

The Royal Canadian Legion Branch 542

10099 County Road

Westport, ON



Contact :

Please contact for more information.

FOTA Skate-A-Thon



Friends of the Arena (FOTA), an Advisory Committee of Westport, Ontario Municipal Council, was recently created to assist the Village in upgrading the aging infrastructure of the arena.  The Committee has compiled a “Wish List” which totals approximately $320,500. To date, we have raised over $94,000 in donations, including a $50,000 prize from AVIVA. We are able to issue tax receipts for income tax purposes.
Friends of the Arena (FOTA) is hosFriends of the Arena (FOTA), an Advisory Committee of Westport, Ontario Municipal Council, was recently created to assist the Village in upgrading the aging infrastructure of the arena.  The Committee has compiled a “Wish List” which totals approximately $320,500. To date, we have raised over $94,000 in donations, including a $50,000 prize from AVIVA. We are able to issue tax receipts for income tax purposes.
Friends of the Arena (FOTA) is hosting a fundraising skate-a-thon at the Westport Arena on Sunday, February 19th and is seeking participants.  Skating will be from 2:00 – 3:00 with refreshments to follow.  All ages are welcome.  Participants are asked to seek sponsors to pledge a donation and the Village of Westport will issue tax receipts for donations of $20.00 and over.  All proceeds from the event will be put towards further arena upgrades.
Kudrinkos has kindly offered to provide hot dogs and drinks to the skaters while Cottage Coffee House is providing hot chocolate and coffee.  Volunteers will be baking cookies. All participants will need to register and submit their pledge sheet along with donations prior to the 2:00 pm start time at the arena.


Date :
Sunday, Feb 19, 2017 from 2 to 4 pm


Event location :
Westport Community Arena, 37 Spring Street, Westport, ON, Canada


Contact :
Westport Community Centre

WINGS’n TUNES with Shawn McCullough


Guitar player/singer/alternative lyricist Shawn McCullough helps you break up your week and give you a little social fix.

Shawn has played and toured with Canadian Country star Jason McCoy (The Roadhammers) and has been a part of Telecaster supergroup The Telebastards featuring Steve Piticco, as well as a member of DoubleBack with Wade Foster and John Wilberforce. He is highly in demand as a session musician and sideman for his incredible skill, wit and stage presence. He has a solo record to his name “This is Me” and is currently performing with rising Country star Brea Lawrenson.

Have a Night out on the town with Music and Wings with Fries $12.

Thanks to Nate and everyone at Long & McQuade Music in Kingston, you can win a guitar if you get up and perform a song! Sign a ballot and you are good to go!

Date :
Wednesday, December 7, 2016 | 6 to 9 pm

Event location :
The Cove
2 Bedford St.
Westport, Ontario K0G 1X0 Canada

Contact :
Phone: 1.888.COVE.INN

Spirits of the Mill



We will gather at the Old Town Hall in Delta at 7:00 pm and take a walk to the Old Stone Mill where we will meet some very interesting people from the past. Then we’ll return to the Old Town Hall for a presentation on “Pioneer Funeral Foods” by Joyce Gunnewiek and end the evening with refreshments. Cost for the evening is $5.00 per person. “Not for the faint of heart”

The Old Stone Mill at Delta was built in 1810 by William Jones and Ira Schofield and is one of the earliest surviving, fully automatic, grist mills of Upper Canada. In 1817 the mill was described as “unquestionably the best building of the kind in Upper Canada”.

The prime artifact of the Delta Mill Society is the Mill itself, an imposing Georgian-style stone structure of four stories, 40 by 60 feet (12m x 18m). This National Historic Site is a proud reminder of the industrial heritage of Eastern Ontario. In 2005 the newly renovated mill was enhanced with beautiful interpretive signboards and displays, in 2007 a water-wheel was installed and in 2010, working millstones and a bolter were put in place. A feature exhibit, Down by the Old Millstream, Celebrating Life on the Beverley Lakes can be found on the third floor of the mill. An illustrated self-guided tour allows the visitor to easily browse all these exhibits.

When you first enter the mill, you’ll see and hear the rushing water that first powered a water wheel and later a turbine to operate the various machinery of the mill. Much of this machinery is on display, starting with equipment such as millstones used the early 1800s era and moving up to machinery used in the early 1900s.

The displays and the stunning architecture of the mill itself make a visit to the mill an unforgettable experience.

Date :
Saturday, October 29, 2016

Contact :
The Delta Mill Society
Box 172, Delta, Ontario K0E 1G0
Tel: 613-928-2584 (office)