Posts tagged ‘Spaghetti Dinners’

Township of Wesport – March ongoing events


Every Thursday night at 6:00pm at the Elgin Lions Hall

Every Monday night at the Westport Legion where doors open at 6:15 and games start at 7:15.



Every Tuesday at 1:00pm

at the Elgin Municipal Complex

Info: 613-359-6192


Coffee & Chat Drop-In:

Throughout the Township come and enjoy a bit of social fun! Bring your latest craft project, a deck of cards or just yourself. Children are welcome. Donations appreciated. Every Monday morning from 8am to 10:30am at the Delta United Church – call Pat Philips 613-928-2712;Tuesday mornings in Morton – Morton Mug– contact Linda Gamble 613-387-3799 every Wednesday morning from 10am to Noon at the Newboro Community Hall – call Andi 613-272-5335 or Joan 613-272-2393;Thursday mornings at the Portland Community Hall contact Betty James 613-272-2461 and every Friday morning at the Elgin Municipal Complex Community Hall from 9:30am – call Linda Carr 613-272-2227.


Community Lunch first Friday of the month at the Elgin Municipal Complex – soup and sandwiches – contact Linda Carr 613-272-2227 and the 4th Tuesday of every month at the Portland United Church Noon to 1pm call 613-272-2002 for details.

Community Breakfast every 4th Tuesday at the Harmony Lodge in Philipsville. $7.00per plate starting at 8:00am. Sponsored by the Philipsville Masons, everyone is welcome. Contact Ross Hawkins for information 613-359-5833.


Community Shopping bus sponsored through the Portland Seniors Club leaves for the local shopping mall in Kingston every 2nd Tuesday of the month.

Call Vicki at 613-272-2676 to reserve your seat.

Cost $15.00 return trip.

Not just for seniors! All ages welcome.


Euchre is played in the Elgin Municipal Complex Community Room (Linda Barker 613-272-2533), the South Elmsley Community Hall (Dorothy Covell at 613-283-2572) and North Crosby Community Hall (6 hand) (Jim Mullville 613-273-3008) and in Delta at the Legion every Friday at 7pm (Pat Philips 2712).

Forfar Euchre is every Friday at 7:30pm in the hall. Games are also played at the Legion Halls and Lions Halls.

Spaghetti Dinners 1st Friday of every month at the Portland Legion; 2nd Friday at the Elgin Lions Hall and also combine their very popular Quiz Night with the spaghetti dinner (teams of 6 start the game at 7pm) and the 3rd Friday is at the Westport (North Crosby) Legion.


VIBE – Venturing in Biblical Education – Wednesdays April 22 to December 2 10am in Elgin and 7pm in Portland at the United Church.Contact Rev.

Contact Rev. Takouhi 613-272-8977


Township of Wesport – February ongoing events


Every Thursday night at 6:00pm at the Elgin Lions Hall

Every Monday night at the Westport Legion where doors open at 6:15 and games start at 7:15.



Every Tuesday at 1:00pm

at the Elgin Municipal Complex

Info: 613-359-6192


Coffee & Chat Drop-In:

Throughout the Township come and enjoy a bit of social fun! Bring your latest craft project, a deck of cards or just yourself. Children are welcome. Donations appreciated. Every Monday morning from 8am to 10:30am at the Delta United Church – call Pat Philips 613-928-2712;Tuesday mornings in Morton – Morton Mug– contact Linda Gamble 613-387-3799 every Wednesday morning from 10am to Noon at the Newboro Community Hall – call Andi 613-272-5335 or Joan 613-272-2393;Thursday mornings at the Portland Community Hall contact Betty James 613-272-2461 and every Friday morning at the Elgin Municipal Complex Community Hall from 9:30am – call Linda Carr 613-272-2227.


Community Lunch first Friday of the month at the Elgin Municipal Complex – soup and sandwiches – contact Linda Carr 613-272-2227 and the 4th Tuesday of every month at the Portland United Church Noon to 1pm call 613-272-2002 for details.

Community Breakfast every 4th Tuesday at the Harmony Lodge in Philipsville. $7.00per plate starting at 8:00am. Sponsored by the Philipsville Masons, everyone is welcome. Contact Ross Hawkins for information 613-359-5833.


Community Shopping bus sponsored through the Portland Seniors Club leaves for the local shopping mall in Kingston every 2nd Tuesday of the month.

Call Vicki at 613-272-2676 to reserve your seat.

Cost $15.00 return trip.

Not just for seniors! All ages welcome.


Euchre is played in the Elgin Municipal Complex Community Room (Linda Barker 613-272-2533), the South Elmsley Community Hall (Dorothy Covell at 613-283-2572) and North Crosby Community Hall (6 hand) (Jim Mullville 613-273-3008) and in Delta at the Legion every Friday at 7pm (Pat Philips 2712).

Forfar Euchre is every Friday at 7:30pm in the hall. Games are also played at the Legion Halls and Lions Halls.

Spaghetti Dinners 1st Friday of every month at the Portland Legion; 2nd Friday at the Elgin Lions Hall and also combine their very popular Quiz Night with the spaghetti dinner (teams of 6 start the game at 7pm) and the 3rd Friday is at the Westport (North Crosby) Legion.


VIBE – Venturing in Biblical Education – Wednesdays April 22 to December 2 10am in Elgin and 7pm in Portland at the United Church.Contact Rev.

Contact Rev. Takouhi 613-272-8977


Township of Wesport – January ongoing events


Every Thursday night at 6:00pm at the Elgin Lions Hall

Every Monday night at the Westport Legion where doors open at 6:15 and games start at 7:15.



Every Tuesday at 1:00pm

at the Elgin Municipal Complex

Info: 613-359-6192


Coffee & Chat Drop-In:

Throughout the Township come and enjoy a bit of social fun! Bring your latest craft project, a deck of cards or just yourself. Children are welcome. Donations appreciated. Every Monday morning from 8am to 10:30am at the Delta United Church – call Pat Philips 613-928-2712;Tuesday mornings in Morton – Morton Mug– contact Linda Gamble 613-387-3799 every Wednesday morning from 10am to Noon at the Newboro Community Hall – call Andi 613-272-5335 or Joan 613-272-2393;Thursday mornings at the Portland Community Hall contact Betty James 613-272-2461 and every Friday morning at the Elgin Municipal Complex Community Hall from 9:30am – call Linda Carr 613-272-2227.


Community Lunch first Friday of the month at the Elgin Municipal Complex – soup and sandwiches – contact Linda Carr 613-272-2227 and the 4th Tuesday of every month at the Portland United Church Noon to 1pm call 613-272-2002 for details.

Community Breakfast every 4th Tuesday at the Harmony Lodge in Philipsville. $7.00per plate starting at 8:00am. Sponsored by the Philipsville Masons, everyone is welcome. Contact Ross Hawkins for information 613-359-5833.


Community Shopping bus sponsored through the Portland Seniors Club leaves for the local shopping mall in Kingston every 2nd Tuesday of the month.

Call Vicki at 613-272-2676 to reserve your seat.

Cost $15.00 return trip.

Not just for seniors! All ages welcome.


Euchre is played in the Elgin Municipal Complex Community Room (Linda Barker 613-272-2533), the South Elmsley Community Hall (Dorothy Covell at 613-283-2572) and North Crosby Community Hall (6 hand) (Jim Mullville 613-273-3008) and in Delta at the Legion every Friday at 7pm (Pat Philips 2712).

Forfar Euchre is every Friday at 7:30pm in the hall. Games are also played at the Legion Halls and Lions Halls.

Spaghetti Dinners 1st Friday of every month at the Portland Legion; 2nd Friday at the Elgin Lions Hall and also combine their very popular Quiz Night with the spaghetti dinner (teams of 6 start the game at 7pm) and the 3rd Friday is at the Westport (North Crosby) Legion.


VIBE – Venturing in Biblical Education – Wednesdays April 22 to December 2 10am in Elgin and 7pm in Portland at the United Church.Contact Rev.

Contact Rev. Takouhi 613-272-8977
