Rideau Lakes Heritage Symposium
1st Annual RIDEAU LAKES HERITAGE SYMPOSIUM – hosted by MHAC and the Rideau Lakes Heritage Network. To be held at the Old Town Hall in Delta, ON at 8 Lower Beverley Lake Park Road. Registration is at 9 a.m. with morning presentations staring at 9:30 a.m. by:
- Ken Watson: “Why Delta? – Mills & Community, 1794-1812”
- Wendy Banks: “Local Food”
- George German: “History of Philipsville”
- Mike Dwyer: “Delta’s Jubilee Block”
After lunch will be tours with 1 group touring our 1810 Old Stone Mill National Historical Site where our Miller Chris Wooding will do a presentation while grinding wheat into flour on the millstone. Our Blacksmith, John Cain, will be on site in the Mill Drive Shed showing off his skills of the trade. The other group will take a wagon ride with Doug Bond guiding the way and pointing out our heritage properties in the village. Then the groups will switch so each person will get a chance to take in all that Delta has to offer with the day wrapping up around 3:30 p.m.
Registration is $20.00 per person that includes lunch and refreshments. The Rideau Lakes Heritage Network & Genealogy will have displays set up around the Hall for your interest. It will be a great day for anyone interested in our local history. Deadline for registration is April 10, 2019. Payment can be made at the door.
Date :
Friday, April 26, 2019
Event location :
Rideau Lakes, ON
Contact :
Please contact Clerk Mary Ellen at mtruelove@twprideaulakes.on.ca to register or for more.
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