Posts tagged ‘Rideau Lakes Events’

Joey Wright with Brownstone & Jenny Whiteley in concert!

Joey was one of the leading lights in the explosive bluegrass, old time and traditional country scene in Toronto in the late 90’s. Joey joined Jenny Whiteley’s band in 1999, and their first two albums (Jenny Whiteley & Hopetown) both won Juno awards for Best Roots Traditional Album.

In 2005 Joey joined Sarah Harmer’s band to record the album I’m A Mountain which earned him a gold record. In 2007 Joey collaborated with Jesse Zubot, Steve Dawson, Dan Whiteley and Joe Phillips to create his own album, Jalopy. Jalopy received a Juno nomination for Best Instrumental Album. The album Hatch followed in 2010 with 2017’s Country, Music just out.

The album explores new sounds combining pedal steel, beautiful brass, and angelic harmonies with creative textures, focused writing and inventive composition and includes Amy Millan and members of Montreal’s Stars, Evening Hymns, Christine Bougie , Aaron Comeau and Jenny Whiteley.


Cost: $10.


Date :
November 23, 2018 from 7 to 10pm

Event location :
The Cove
2 Bedford St.
Westport, Ontario K0G 1X0 Canada

Contact :

Brea Lawrenson with Shawn McCullough at the Cove Inn!


The Best in Local Country Songwriting! Introducing their two new singles, “Roulette” by Brea and “Change” by Shawn!
BREA LAWRENSON – CMAO Nominee for Female Artist of the Year and Rising Star! One of the 5 Most Played Canadian Female Country Artists! Her record #Brealieve had 6 Charting Songs!

SHAWN McCullough – Former Guitarist to Jason McCoy and Plays with Brea! Country Guitar Picking Master and Passionate Singer! Mr. Wings/Rack ‘n Tunes! Solo record This Is Me! Just released “Change” on Sirius XM Radio.

Cost: $10.


Date :
November 9, 2018 from 7 pm to 10pm

Event location :
The Cove
2 Bedford St.
Westport, Ontario K0G 1X0 Canada

Contact :
Seamus Cowan

Phone contact: 1.888.COVE.INN


Welcome back to Fall! Lots to be thankful for and excited about in this cooler, more colourful season…Hope to see you soon! All of us at The Cove!



Every Wednesday WINGS ‘n TUNES + THE OPEN MIC with SHAWN McCULLOUGH (Country, Westport) Sing a tune and you could win a guitar! 6:30-9:30pm





Thu.Oct.4 LAST JAZZ NIGHT of the SEASON with SPENCER EVANS (Solo) 8-10pm


Fri.Oct.5 OKTOBERFEST with THE FIDDLEHEADS (Celtic/Rock, Belleville) $10 7-10pm

Sat.Oct.6 CHRIS MURPHY of TURPIN’S TRAIL (Celtic/East Coast, Perth Road Village) 6-9pm

Sun.Oct.7 HEAD OVER HEELS A Summer Tradition! (Folk/Rock, Gananoque) 12:30-3:30pm + THANKSGIVING BUFFET (All-You-Can-Eat Ham, Turkey + Trimmings!) 5-8pm $26.99

Fri.Oct.12 NOLAN HUBBARD (Acoustic Folk/Pop, Gananoque) 6-9pm

Fri.Oct.19 BLUES on the RIDEAU with SAMANTHA MARTIN & DELTA SUGAR (Soulful Vocal Blues from Toronto)  7-11pm Buffet & Show $65 + HST

Fri.Oct.26 TOM SAVAGE (Folk/Blues, Kingston) 6-9pm

Sat.Oct.27 HALLOWEEN with YOUNG PETTY STONES: A Nod to Neil Young, Tom Petty & The Stones (Westport/Montreal) 7-11pm Buffet & Show $50 + HST

Wed.Oct.31 WINGS ‘n TUNES HALLOWEEN PARTY 6:30-9:30pm




Fri.Nov.2 GEORGETTE FRY BAND (Kingston’s Queen of the Blues, JUNO Nominee) 7-11pm $50 + HST

Sat.Nov.3 PAT MALONEY (Acoustic Folk/Pop, Hamilton) 6-9pm

Fri.Nov.9 BREA LAWRENSON with SHAWN McCULLOUGH “Roulette + Change Single Release Party”

Fri.Nov.30 BEN VANDERGAAST (Miss Emily’s Keyboard Player!, Belleville) 6-9pm


HOURS Sun, Mon, Tue + Thu 11:30am-8pm Wed, Fri + Sat 11:30-9pm


All Events Subject To Change. Please Call For Reservations

For Event Info, go to Entertainment at

The Cove Country Inn 1.888.COVE.INN @thecoveinn @thecovekitchenchronicles

Walk through the past

Let the “stones of time” reveal the enthralling story of our forbearers as you take a guided walk through Halladay Burial Place. Tours at 7:00, 8:00 and 9:00 pm. Sponsored by the Elgin and Area Heritage Society. For details call Jane at 613-928-3402.


Date :
Friday, October 19, 2018 | 7/8/9pm

Event location :
Elgin, ON




Guitar player/singer/alternative lyricist Shawn McCullough helps you break up your week and give you a little social fix. Shawn has played and toured with Canadian Country star Jason McCoy (The Roadhammers) and has been a part of Telecaster supergroup The Telebastards featuring Steve Piticco, as well as a member of DoubleBack with Wade Foster and John Wilberforce. He is highly in demand as a session musician and sideman for his incredible skill, wit and stage presence. He has a solo record to his name “This is Me” and is currently performing with rising Country star Brea Lawrenson.

Have a Night out on the town with Music and a Rack of Ribs with Fries $15

Thanks to Nate and everyone at Long and McQuade Music in Kingston, you can win an acoustic electric guitar if you get up and perform a song! Sign a ballot and you are good to go!


Date :
Wednesdays, July 4,11,18,25, 2018 from 7 to 10pm

Event location :
The Cove
2 Bedford St.
Westport, Ontario K0G 1X0 Canada

Contact :
Seamus Cowan – Website:


188th Annual DELTA FAIR



The Delta Fair is one of the summer’s hottest attractions in Eastern Ontario.

Established in 1830, Delta Fair is one of Ontario’s oldest operating Agricultural Fairs. The first president was the Honourable Charles Jones, Member of the Upper Canada Legislative Council. Until 1866, the Fair rotated locations between Delta, Farmersville (Athens) and Gananoque before settling in Delta, on land owned by the Thomas Morris family. The grounds were leased until 1911, when the Fair Board purchased the land at a cost of $1600.00

Originally incorporated as the “South Leeds Agricultural Society”, the members opted to change the name to the present, “Delta Agricultural Society”, following the 100th Anniversary in 1930. Now held annually in July, the Fair, also known as the “People’s Holiday” has taken place in August and September.
We will of course be open during the fair with tours of the mill from 10 am to 5 pm each day. We’ll have a milling demonstration starting at 1 pm on Saturday. Admission is free (donations appreciated).
The Delta Fair offers the opportunity to celebrate and reward agricultural pursuits. We offer a wide variety of prizes, ribbons, monies and trophies for all ages. The public is invited to enter competitions in areas such as:

Agricultural Display
Ambassador Pageant
Antique Tractor Pull
Art & Photography
Canned & Bottled Goods
Children’s Events, Games and Races
Talent Shows & Entertainment
Horse Draw
Family Horse Show
Flowers & Plants
Grains & Grasses
Home Baking
Home Craft
Lawn Mower Pull
Leeds County 4-H
Leeds County 4-H Livestock
Maple Syrup & Sugar
Parade floats, bands, bikes, etc.
School Exhibitions
Seniors Competition
Vegetables, Herbs & Fruit
Western Games Show

Ticket type: Delta Fair Mega Pass – 2018 at $30.


Date :
July 26 – 29, 2018

Event location :
110 Mill Creek Drive, Delta, Ontario

Contact :
Phone / Fax: 613-928-2800


Elgin days


Even with the construction on County Road 8, the community has decided to continue with tradition and have Elgin Days the second weekend of July.

Starting Thursday, Silent Auction bidding opens at 6:45pm during Bingo and continues all weekend.

Friday at the Community Hall enjoy coffee & treats from 9:30 – 11am and then 6-handed euchre and light lunch at 7:30pm.

Friday night Quiz Night (7pm) and Spaghetti Dinner (5pm) at the Elgin Lions Hall $10/person. 

Then beginning Saturday morning participate in the traditional village-wide yard sale and enjoy a multitude of other activities from the free pancake breakfast at Bethel Church to the village-wide water fight at the rink at 3pm. Book sales, music, BBQ’s, special vendors, bake sales, children’s activities, toy sales and special activities for the whole family. The annual firefighters chicken BBQ starts at 4pm at the Lions Hall.  Beer garden and Wayne Scott and band.  Remember to complete your Elgin Days Passport for a chance to win a free chicken dinner.

On Sunday gather at the United Church at 10am for a Worship Celebration with Gracenote.  From 2-6pm at the Lions Hall enjoy music by Jeff Code and a cold buffet (bar) $15/person.

For more info: the Elgin Days 2018 Flyer.

Please check this link to complete your Elgin Day Passport.


Date :
Thursday, July 12 to Sunday, July 15, 2018

Event location :
Elgin, ON

Walking Country Roads in Westport – July Sessions


Stay active during the spring/summer months. Join us for a free outdoor walking program!

  • Meet at Lockwood Park – 31 Spring Street
  • Please wear appropriate footwear and bring a water bottle
  • Rain or Shine – excluding extreme weather conditions


For questions about participating or volunteering,

Date :
July 4,6,11,13,18 2018 from 9am to 5pm

Event location :
Lockwood Park – 31 Spring Street; Westport, ON

Contact :
Emily Beelen (613-272-2799 Ext.256)

Celebrate the 20th Rideau Lakes Studio and Garden Tour


What better way to spend the Canada Day Weekend than prowling the nooks and crannies of the Rideau Lakes area and checking out the gems to be found on this year’s Tour. This tour has become one of the most successful tours in the area and the artists are looking forward to showing off this wonderful country we live in.

The Tour continues to attract new artists while maintaining a core of favorites. Located in the heart of the Rideau Lakes district concentrated around the villages of Portland, Philipsville and Chaffey’s Locks, the 2018 tour will be held on Saturday, June 30th and Sunday, July 1st, from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. At some studios you will meet surprise guest artists who are unadvertised but are invited by their hosts. The goal is to have more than one artist at a stop to make your tour experience more enjoyable.

You will find paintings, candles, pottery, quilts, weaving, woodworking, sculpture and jewelry for your home and garden. Free brochures guiding you through the tour are available at most area stores, restaurants and welcome centres. For more information visit our website at or call 613-359-5947.


Date :
Sunday, July 1, 2018

Event location :
Rideau Lakes, ON

Contact :

JUNE Life @ The Cove

Hello friends of The Cove!

We are feeling the buzz of summer kicking in quite strongly already! Come and enjoy the patio, the outdoors, the entertainment, the food and/or a delicious drink!

Each weekend this month, we have an artist who is connected to some of the greatest Canada has ever produced! Steve Strongman (B.B. King, Buddy Guy, Johnny Winter)…Jamie Campbell (Roch Voisine)…Jason Kent (The Dears)…Terry Tufts (Wayne Ronstad, Susan Aglukark, Ian Tamblyn, George Fox)…Grant Fullerton (Lighthouse)…Paul Langlois (The Tragically Hip)…Chris Murphy (Sean McCann of Great Big Sea)…! Not only are they all great, but the artists the play with are as well! And, the other artists on other day are too! Enjoy!

Enjoy the summer menu too! Lamb Burger, Blackened Arctic Char and Watermelon Salad are all off to a great head start for the season…Follow the food @thecovekitchenchronicles

See you soon and be sure to check for event details, menus, room info and everything else. It’s all there!

Seamus and all of us at The Cove in Westport, ON


Every Wednesday RACK ‘n TUNES + THE OPEN MIC with SHAWN McCULLOUGH (Country, Westport) 7-10pm

Every Thursday JAZZ NIGHT with SPENCER EVANS Starts May.17 Every Thursday until Thanksgiving Weekend! DATES + HOURS: SPENCER SOLO May.17-Jun.14, Sept.13-Oct.4 8-10pm Free

SPENCER EVANS TRIO Jun.21-Sept.6 9-11pm $5

Every Sunday HEAD OVER HEELS on the PATIO A Summer Tradition! (Folk/Rock, Gananoque) 12:30-3:30pm


Fri.Jun.1 TAYLOR ANGUS & LOGAN BROWN (Acoustic Soul, Perth) 6-pm

Sat.Jun.2 STEVE STRONGMAN Solo (JUNO Award Winning Blues, Hamilton) $45 + HST Buffet + Show

Fri.Jun.8 DAVE BALFOUR & JAMIE CAMPBELL (Folk/Rock, Westport/Lombardy) 6-9pm

Sat.Jun.9 YOUNG & PETTY: A Musical Tribute to TOM PETTY & NEIL YOUNG 7-11pm Buffet + Show $50 + HST

Tue.Jun.12 NORTH MEETS SOUTH WAC Fundraiser with Music by CHRIS MURPHY & BRIAN FLYNN of Turpin’s Trail 6-9pm $50 + HST

Fri.Jun.15 NHL/FOTA FUNDRAISER GALA feat. Music by 80s ENUFF! (80s Hits Tribute Band) $60 + HST Buffet, Show, Meet and Greet

Sat.Jun.16 TERRY TUFTS (Acoustic Folk Guitar Master, Lanark) 6-9pm

Fri.Jun.22 GRANT FULLERTON Formerly of Lighthouse 7-10pm $10

Sat.Jun.23 JOHN WILBERFORCE (Folk/Rock, Kemptville) 6-9pm

Fri.Jun.29 CAMPFIRE LIARS CLUB feat. PAUL LANGLOIS of The Tragically Hip (Original Folk/Rock, Kingston) 7-11pm $60 Buffet + Show

Sat.Jun.30 CANADA DAY PRE- PARTY with TURPIN’S TRAIL (Celtic/East Coast Folk, Kingston) 6-11pm $45 Buffet + Show

Sun.Jul.1 HEAD OVER HEELS with ZAK COLBERT on BASS! (Acoustic Folk/Blues/Jazz) 12:30-3:30pm + 6-9pm


HOURS – DAILY 11:30am-9pm



All Events Subject To Change. Please Call For Reservations

For Event Info, go to Entertainment at

The Cove Country Inn 1.888.COVE.INN @thecoveinn @thecovekitchenchronicles