Posts tagged ‘Rideau Lakes Events’

Walking Country Roads Westport


Stay active during the spring/summer months. Join us for a free outdoor walking program!

  • Meet at Lockwood Park – 31 Spring Street
  • Please wear appropriate footwear and bring a water bottle
  • Rain or Shine – excluding extreme weather conditions


For questions about participating or volunteering,

Date :
Dec 6, 13, 20, 27, 2019

Event location :
Lockwood Park – 31 Spring Street

Contact :

Contact Emily Beelen – 613-272-2799 Ext.256


Classical Concert Pianist : Vladimir Soloviev



WAC proudly presents award winning classical concert pianist Vladimir Solviev.
With a special feature performance of “Years of Pilgrimage: Italy” by Liszt, join us 7pm, Friday November 1st at Knox Presbyterian. Entrance by donation.

Chamber musician and choral conductor, Toronto-based Soloviev is a musician of a versatile repertoire. He has championed the music of contemporary Canadian composers, as well as works of Beethoven, Liszt and Rachmaninoff. Performing in concert across Canada, as well as the US, Italy, France, Spain and Russia, including appearances at Weill Recital Hall (Carnegie), Bohemian National Hall, the Canadian Music Center, and Sala del Notari.


Date :
Friday, November 1, 2019

Event location :
Knox Presbyterian Church

Contact :

Walking Country Roads – Westport


Stay active during the spring/summer months. Join us for a free outdoor walking program!

  • Meet at Lockwood Park – 31 Spring Street
  • Please wear appropriate footwear and bring a water bottle
  • Rain or Shine – excluding extreme weather conditions


For questions about participating or volunteering,


Date :
Wednesday, October 16, 2019 from 9am to 5pm

Event location :
Lockwood Park – 31 Spring Street

Contact :

Contact Emily Beelen – 613-272-2799 Ext.256


Al Lerman at the Cove INN!


AL LERMAN is a multi-instrumentalist, singer, songwriter and leader of the two-time Juno Award winning (Canada’s Grammy) band FATHEAD. Outside of the band, he has built a solid career touring as an acoustic solo blues/roots artist, accompanying himself on guitar and rack harmonica. He has released two critically acclaimed solo discs to date. A pro musician for over forty years, he occasionally works as a guest sideman, recording and touring with a myriad of top-notch bands.

An engaging and skilled artist, he is regarded among the top harmonica players in the country and his prowess on the instrument has earned him no less than ten Maple Blues Award nominations. His harp and wailing tenor saxophone have been heard on countless recordings/live sessions with some of the best in the blues, and his 2016 standout recording “Slow Burn” made the esteemed world-wide list of Top 100 Blues Albums. That same year he received a Maple Blues Award nomination for “Acoustic Act Of The Year“.

Date :
Friday, October 18, 2019 from 6-9pm

Event location :
The Cove Country Inn & Spa,

2 Bedford St, Westport, ON K0G 1X0, Canada

Contact :

Jazz Night with Spencer Evans


The Cove Inn hosts one of the most original and memorable Live Music Experiences you’ll have! The Popular Spencer Evans Trio with Andy Love on drums, Seamus Cowan on bass and Spencer Evans on piano, clarinet and vocals has proven a formidable three performing all styles of music to huge crowds of all ages. The party has been going for over 21 years now! Join us for dinner too… The Trio plays select dates throughout the year and EVERY THURSDAY from Victoria Day Weekend to Thanksgiving Long Weekend. Call The Cove 1.888.COVE.INN to make reservations and confirm dates.

SPENCER EVANS was born in Picton, grew up around the Quinte area, and graduated from B.C.I. Spencer plays piano, clarinet, accordion, sings, dances, prances and has been a professional musician for the past 15 years. He has played Bermuda to Bosnia, New Orleans to the North Pole, and has recorded and toured with The Cowboy Junkies, Sarah Harmer and Pat Temple, and has performed with Jeff Healey, Dan Aykroyd, Willie P. Bennett, Jack Mahieu, Alex Pangman, Maria Muldaur, and Toronto’s Swing Gang, among countless others. Spencer has appeared on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno, CBC Radio’s The Vinyl Café with Stuart McLean, MUCHmusic and CMT. A resident of Kingston for several years, Spencer keeps busy playing with numerous local bands such as Bloom, Pico de Gallo, Ghetto Xpress, The River Cats and various jazzy combos.

SEAMUS COWAN plays the low bass and sings the high notes…Kind of strange but it works. He has played all kinds of music in his career so he fits right in.

ANDY LOVE has a solid synergy with the boys. His drumming is some of the tastiest around and his ferocity is difficult to tame, behind the kit that is. He has performed with Spencer for over 30 years now and has a brotherly connection with him on stage. He is also very lyrical in his playing style as well as the fact that he sings as well! Together, the trio are a powerful combination!

JAZZ NIGHT will continue EVERY THURSDAY from the May Long Weekend to Thanksgiving Weekend. The Trio plays select dates throughout the year and is available for special events and weddings and more! Contact Spencer Evans at for more information.

Date :
Thursday, October 3, 2019 from 8-10pm

Event location :
2 Bedford St
Westport, Ontario K0G 1X0 Canada

Contact :
(613) 273-3636 or visit

Village of Westport – October events 2019

1BINGO Doors open at 6:00pm:  Elgin Lions Hall Thursdays ; Westport Legion-Upper Rideau Branch 542 – Mondays



BRIDGE every Tuesday at 1:00pm at the Elgin Municipal Complex.  Info 613-359-6192.



Delta Legion every Friday at 7pm (Pat Philips 613-928-2712).
Elgin Municipal Complex Community Room on Mondays at noon (Doug Summers 613-359-5744)
Westport Upper Rideau Branch 542 – Thursday evenings (Joan Thompson 613-273-5613)



CHAFFEYS LOCK COMMUNITY HALL MARKET SQUARE every Sunday from late May to October.  Local craftspersons and artists.


8CLOGGING – at the Newboro Community Hall every Wednesday evening at 7pm and at the South Elmsley Municipal Complex (OPP Offices on Hwy 15) Thursday afternoons from 2-4pm. This is a fun way to exercise and expand your dance talents! Classes are $2 a class. Sponsored by the Newboro Recreation Committee. Cal Dorothy for details 613-272-8053.



5COMMUNITY SHOPPING BUS sponsored through the Portland Seniors Club leaves for the local shopping mall in Kingston every 2nd Tuesday of the month.  Call Vicki at 613-272-2676 to reserve your seat.  Cost $15.00 return trip.  Not just for seniors!  All ages welcome.


3COFFEE DROP-IN: Throughout the Township come and enjoy a bit of social fun! Bring your latest craft project, a deck of cards or just yourself.  Children are welcome.  Donations appreciated.

Delta United Church:  Monday mornings from 8am to 10:30am  (Pat Philips 613-928-2712)
Elgin Municipal Complex Community Hall:  Friday mornings from 9:30am (Linda Carr 613-272-2227)
Morton – Morton Mug:  Tuesday mornings (Linda Gamble 613-876-3884)
Newboro Community Hall:  Wednesday mornings from 10am to Noon (Joan 613-272-2393)
Portland Community Hall: Thursday mornings (Betty James 613-272-2461)


COMMUNITY FARMERS BREAKFAST every 4th Tuesday at the Harmony Lodge in Philipsville starting at 8:00am. Sponsored by the Philipsville Masons, everyone is welcome. Contact Ross Hawkins for information 613-359-5833.


DELTA McMUFFIN LIGHT BREAKFAST every Saturday morning from 7:30am to 10am at Delta United Church. $5 will get you coffee with an egg & English muffin and a chance to meet your neighbours. Everyone is welcome. Call Arvin Riskie for info 613-928-2091.




Elgin Municipal Complex1st Friday of the month – 11:30am to 12:30pm soup and sandwiches. Pay-What-You-Can ( Linda Carr 613-272-2227)
Portland United Church:  4th Tuesday of every month – noon to 1pm (613-272-2002).




Elgin Lions Hall:   2nd Friday of the month combines their very popular Quiz Night with the spaghetti dinner (teams of 6 start the game at 7pm)
Portland Legion: 1st Friday of every month
Westport Upper Rideau Branch 542:  3rd Friday of the month



PARKINSON SUPPORT GROUP meets the last Thursday of every month at 1:30pm at Rideau Community Health Services, 2 Gould Street, Unit 118, Smiths Falls.  Contact




Slow down with Fall @ The Cove

Enjoy the beauty of fall in Westport, on the Rideau and at The Cove! 

Labour Day Weekend has done come and gone already and it’s time to start coming inside to think about cozying up with a beautiful bottle of wine, a delish hearty meal and some of the most compelling musical artists to be seen in the whole area!


Music and the Party.

The fall just gets better around here with music when things slow down! We have a great lineup for Blues on the Rideau this season. It’s shaping up to the be the best season yet! Before the decade closes, you will see Harrison Kennedy, Hogtown Allstars, Samantha Martin and MonkeyJunk! Music continues weekly from Wednesday to Sunday with Rack ‘n Tunes + The Open Mic, Jazz Night, Head over Heels and more! Speaking of Head Over Heels, you will love when they come on Fri.Sept.27 with their Allstar backup BLUE MONDAY BAND! Check out our Events Calendar for September OR online


Food and Drink.

Enjoy our weekly food specials…Ribs every Wednesday. Roast Beef Buffet every Saturday Night. Enjoy our summer menu while it lasts. New menu for fall and winter coming after Thanksgiving! Keep an eye out for seasonal wine/beer dinners, great daily specials and more!

Just a reminder, buy 10 lunches, get one free! Ask your server to get your card! Gift Certificates to The Cove available all the time too!


Stay Social.

Check us out online.

Facebook thecoveinn

Instagram + Twitter @thecoveinn

Follow our kitchen on Instagram! @thecovekitchenchronicles



As always, we thank you for your interest and support and interest in our place!





Fri.Sept.6 HENRY NORWOOD & SHAWN McCULLOUGH (Country, Westport) 8-11pm

Sat.Sept.7 DAVID ALLEN JAMES (Folk/Rock, Picton) 5:30-8:30pm

Fri.Sept.13 CLAUDIO VALENTINI (Classical Guitar feat. Jazz, Classical, Folk, Pop Classics, Ardoch) 11:30am-3pm & Blues on the Rideau with HARRISON KENNEDY BAND (Soul/Blues, Hamilton) 7-11pm Buffet, Show + Charity $70 + HST



Sat.Sept.14 TERRY TUFTS (Acoustic Folk/Fingerstyle Guitar Master) 5:30-8:30pm 



Fri.Sept.20 ROB MOIR (Folk/Rock, Toronto) 5:30-8:30pm



Sat.Sept.21 DAVE BALFOUR & JAMIE CAMPBELL (Folk/Rock, Westport/Rideau Ferry) 5:30-8:30pm



Fri.Sept.27 HEAD OVER HEELS with THE BLUE MONDAY BAND (Blues/Jazz/Rock, Gananoque/Kingston) 7-11pm $50 + HST Buffet, Show + Charity $20 Show + Charity St. Edward’s School Music Program Fundraiser



Sat.Sept.28 MARIO FRANCO (Cuban Guitar, Kingston) 6-9pm




Every Wednesday RACK ‘n TUNES + OPEN MIC with SHAWN McCULLOUGH 7-10pm

(Country/Rock, Westport) Sing & Win a guitar!



Every Thursday JAZZ NIGHT with SPENCER EVANS TRIO (All Styles of Music!) 8-10pm $5 Until Sept.12 SPENCER EVANS SOLO 8-10pm Until Oct.10



Every Sunday until Oct.13 HEAD OVER HEELS on the PATIO (Acoustic Blues/Folk/Roots, Gananoque) 12:30-3:30pm



Build Your Own Scale Model Canoe


This course at the Bear Mountain Boats workshop covers the building process of a 4′ scale model canoe, from selecting material through to finishing details. Not only do students leave the course with all the knowledge and “tricks of the trade” to build a full-size boat, but also get to take their mini canoe to proudly display at home or the cottage.

Instructor Brent Kirkham has extensive experience as a canoe builder and woodworker, from mastering the finer details of decorative inlay to helping build 30′ war canoes.

Run over five consecutive days, all tools, materials, and lunches are supplied.

Fee: $1100.00


Date :
Sept 9-13, 2019

Event location :
362 County Rd 10
Westport, ON

Contact :

Summer Pot Luck Block Party


On Sunday September 1st at 5:30pm, the Village of Westport will be hosting a “Summer Pot Luck Block Party.” Join the party anywhere on Church St. between Bedford & Spring Streets. Bring your own table, chairs, friends and food. Put your table next to your neighbour’s and have a visit. There will be corn on the cob, music, and lots of friends!

This event will be a FOTA (Friends Of The Arena) fundraiser.


Date :
Sunday, September 1, 2019 from 5:30pm to 8pm

Event location :
Church St. Between Bedford & Spring Streets

Contact :
Website: and

Head Over Heels on the Patio


HEAD OVER HEELS (Gananaoque, Vocal/Guitar Duo) Bask in the sunshine with amazing entertainment! Kingston’s Kevin Head is an accomplished singer, songwriter, musical director and actor. Formerly from Nova Scotia, where he still has close ties, and once called “The Original Salt Cod Cowboy”, Kevin toured extensively throughout the Maritimes with bands, theatre troupes and as a solo performer/singer, songwriter.

He has performed in shows with Valdy, Charlie Major, The Rankins, Gowan, opened a cross-Canada tour for Chris DeBurgh, acted on stage with the late Denny Doherty, and over the years has had lovely musical contributions on his recordings from Ken Pearson (Janis Joplin, Bruce Cockburn), Willie P Bennett, and Kate McGarrigle.

Kevin’s most recent appearances include a mainstage appearance at the 2012 Blue Skies Festival in Clarendon, hosting the 2012 edition of Liner Notes Live Songwriter Circle, 2012 Limestone City Blues Festival, opening for Alex Cuba with the Bob Robertson Trio as part of the Limewire music series in 2011, and numerous solo appearances and performances with his duo “Head over Heels” in the Kingston, Gananoque and Westport areas. He recently releases a new CD of LIVE material recorded October 2013 with his band and life/musical partner MISS V with whom he performs regularly here at The Cove!


Date :
Sunday, September 1, 2019 from 12:30pm to 3:30pm

Event location :
The Cove
2 Bedford St.
Westport, Ontario K0G 1X0 Canada

Contact :
Website: or