Posts tagged ‘Rideau Lakes event’

Spirits of the Mill in Delta

SPIRITS OF THE MILL at the Old Stone Mill in Delta.

Come experience a fun evening at the Old Stone Mill in Delta. Tour the mill, listen to interesting stories told by characters from the past and enjoy some spooky refreshments.

We’ll gather at the old Town Hall and then take a walk to the Old Stone Mill where some of Delta’s intriguing characters from the past will be waiting.  We’ll return to the Old Town Hall for “spooky refreshments and stories”.

The fun begins at the Old Town Hall at 7 pm. Adults: $5 Kids Under 12: $2


Date :

Saturday, October 28, 2017


Event location :

Delta, ON


Contact :

The Delta Mill Society
Box 172, Delta, Ontario K0E 1G0
Tel: 613-928-2584 (office)

Public Skating in Westport’s village


Public Skating at the Westport Community Centre – Arena. Founded in 1976, Westport Community Centre has a seasonal rink open from Early September to Late March. Equipped with canteen and heated spectator seating.

Fee : $2 per person.


Date :

Friday, October 13th, 2017 from 9 am to 11 am


Event location :

Westport Arena, 37 Spring St,
Westport, ON K0G 1X0


Contact :

Westport Community Centre – Village Office
Phone contact: (613) 273-2191

Canaday Day 2018 meeting


You are invited to this informal gathering to discuss the opportunity of continuing this successful Canada Day Event. RSVP by October 10.


Date :
Thursday, October 12, 2017 at 7 pm


Event location :

North Crosby Community Centre (875 8th Concession),
Rideau Lakes, ON


Contact :

Contact: Sue Dunfield
Phone: 1-800-928-2250 Ext 238

Spencer McKenzie at the Cove country Inn


When you hear Spencer MacKenzie sing and play guitar it’s hard to believe that such a young man (he just turned 17!) can play the Blues with so much skill, passion and depth. He is an “old soul in a young body”. His debut album Infected With The Blues is already earning rave reviews and getting major airplay.

He’s also landed some prestigious festival gigs this summer including Kitchener Bluesfest, the West Coast Blues Festival, Southside Shuffle and the Canal Bank Shuffle) and is one of the finalists at the Toronto Blues Society’s Talent Search in July 2016. And the Blues Foundation in Memphis has awarded him a scholarship to attend a Blues Camp in Chicago.

Spencer is backed by a great young band – not one is over the age of 21! – and will be joined by a Special Guest – Hamilton guitarist BRANT PARKER – for this show (Brant has helped mentor Spencer). I predict a great career ahead for this young man. Come and see him LIVE before he gets famous so you can say “I saw him when”.
Proceeds to Rideau Vista & St. Edward’s Elementary Schools. $65+tx dinner & show.


Date :

Friday, September 23, 2017 | 7 pm


Event location :

The Cove Country Inn
2 Bedford St., Westport


Contact :


Happy labour day!


Labour Day (Labor Day in the United States) is an annual holiday to celebrate the achievements of workers. For most countries, Labour Day is synonymous with, or linked with, International Workers’ Day, which occurs on 1 May.
In Canada and the United States, Labour Day is celebrated on the first Monday of September and considered the unofficial end of summer, with summer vacations ending and students returning to school around then.

The form for the celebration of Labor Day was outlined in the first proposal for the holiday: A street parade to exhibit to the public “the strength and esprit de corps of the trade and labor organizations”, followed by a festival for the workers and their friends and families. This became the pattern for Labor Day celebrations. Speeches by prominent men and women were introduced later, as more emphasis was placed upon the civil significance of the holiday. Still later, by a resolution of the American Federation of Labor convention of 1909, the Sunday preceding Labor Day was adopted as Labor Sunday and dedicated to the spiritual and educational aspects of the Labor movement.

Labor Day is called the “unofficial end of summer” because it marks the end of the cultural summer season. Many take their two-week vacations during the two weeks ending Labor Day weekend. Many fall activities, such as school and sports begin about this time.


Date :

Monday, September 4, 2017 | all day


Event location :

Westport, ON



What’s cooking in Westport

Cook together in the community kitchen on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month! Learn new skills, take home food. Childcare is available. The 1st Tuesday is at the Free Methodist Church in Westport and the 3rd Tuesday is at Country Roads in Portland. For more information check out Facebook!

Join us to try new foods and recipes, share a meal, bring extras home, have a good time, and meet new people in your community. We pick the recipes together, focusing on local, seasonal, budget-friendly ingredients. Some months we have a specific cultural theme, a guest speaker from the community, or a special event.

The group is facilitated by Registered Dietitian, Kate Earl, from Country Roads Community Health Centre. We discuss different nutrition and food safety topics each month and members share healthy eating tips with each other.

The program is FREE. There is no cost to participate. We also offer free childcare. Please ask us if you need help with travel costs. All we ask from you is that you participate in the cooking (and clean up!), come ready to have fun, and be open to trying new foods.


Date :

Aug 1, 2017 from 10 am to 1 pm


Event location :

Westport Free Methodist Church


Contact :

Phone contact: 1-888-998-9927 or 613-272-2799 ext. 237
More info on

Wesport Lions Club Beach Volley Tournament


This is an invitation to sign up for the Westport Lions fifth annual Beach Volleyball Tournament being held at the Lions Beach on Saturday, July 22rd. There will be a canteen, music, and plenty of fun prizes given out. The schedule will be determined once we know the number of teams we have in each division. We can accommodate ten teams. There will be two divisions, one will be competitive (designed for players that have played at least high school varsity volleyball) and a non-competitive division (for people who are happy just to get the ball over the net).

Competitive teams will play 4 v 4 and non-competitive teams will play 6 v 6. Each team is guaranteed at least 3 pool games and one playoff round. To encourage a fun, non-competitive atmosphere, each competitive team must have at least 1 male and 1 female on the court at all times, and each non-competitive team must have at least 2 males and 2 females on the court at all times.

The entrance fee is $100 if you complete the registration form, and submit full payment before July 1st. If you pay the entry fee after July 1st then it is $120/team. The first ten teams to submit their entry fee and email the application form to are in the tournament. Teams that email their registration form to the Lions Club but do not submit the entry fee will be placed on a waiting list. We will accept teams on a first come basis, so it important to get your registration fee and form in a.s.a.p.


Date :
Saturday, July 22, 2017 | 8 am


Event location :
Westport Lions Club,
63 Mountain Rd.,
Westport, Canada


Contact :
Chris Hartley at 613-273-8858


Lion Bob Reddick at 613-273-3499


Ila Vann returns to the Cove


Join us on July 13 for a special night of R&B and Soul classics with special guest Ila Vann.

The Cove Inn hosts one of the most original and memorable live music experiences you’ll have! The Popular Spencer Evans Trio with Mike Sakell on drums, Seamus Cowan on bass and Spencer Evans on piano, clarinet and vocals has proven a formidable three performing all styles of music to huge crowds of all ages.

SPENCER EVANS was born in Picton, grew up around the Quinte area, and graduated from B.C.I. Spencer plays piano, clarinet, accordion, sings, dances, prances and has been a professional musician for the past 15 years. He has played Bermuda to Bosnia, New Orleans to the North Pole, and has recorded and toured with The Cowboy Junkies, Sarah Harmer and Pat Temple, and has performed with Jeff Healey, Dan Aykroyd, Willie P. Bennett, Jack Mahieu, Alex Pangman, Maria Muldaur, and Toronto’s Swing Gang, among countless others. Spencer has appeared on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno, CBC Radio’s The Vinyl Café with Stuart McLean, MUCHmusic and CMT. A resident of Kingston for several years, Spencer keeps busy playing with numerous local bands such as Bloom, Pico de Gallo, Ghetto Xpress, The River Cats and various jazzy combos.

SEAMUS COWAN plays the low bass and sings the high notes…Kind of strange but it works. Has played all kinds of music in his career so he fits right in.

MIKE SAKELL has a solid synergy with the boys. His drumming is some of the best around and his ferocity is difficult to tame, behind the kit that is. Together, the trio are a powerful combination.


Date :
Thursday, July 13, 2017 | 9 pm


Event location :
The Cove Country Inn,
2 Bedford St.,
Westport, Canada


Contact :
Phone contact: +1 613-273-3636

Safe Kids Week in Westport



May 30 to June 5 – 2017 is the 21st Anniversary for Parachute’s Safe Kids Week Many Canadians are surprised to learn that preventable injuries kill more children every year than any other disease.

Parachute Safe Kids Week is a national awareness campaign developed to bring attention to predictable and preventable injuries in children. Taking place June 5 – 11, 2017 this year is focused on promoting safe and active transportation: Walk, Bike, Wheel, which includes walking, cycling, skateboarding, scootering and other wheeled activities.

This year’s theme is everyday superhero, which encourages children to become leaders in road safety by learning how to stay active and keep themselves and their loved ones safe on their travels to and from school, to the bus stop, and around their neighbourhood. Parents can guide their child’s activities by modelling safe behaviour and practices on the road, and also being aware of their child’s skill level.

There are a few easy steps we can all take to keep children, and ourselves safe. Start by taking part. Communities across Canada are participating in Parachute Safe Kids Week.

The good news is that prevention efforts are working – since 1996, Canada has enjoyed a decreasing trend in death and hospitalizations from preventable injuries overall. But there is a still lot of work to do to keep children, and ourselves safe.Plan to take part in Parachute’s Safe Kids Week, happening May 30 – June 5, 2016 with a focus on the top injury issues that affect children on the road, at home and at play.


Date :

Tuesday, May 30 to Monday, June 5, 2017


Event location :

Westport, ON


Contact :

For more information visit:

Spring Fly-Inn!


Join us at the RIDEAU LAKES SPRING FLY-IN at the airport on County Road 10 just outside Westport. Enjoy a sausage on a bun breakfast, visit the hangers, watch flights land and take off, make a donation to the club and bring the family for an enjoyable outing.  Open all day for visitors.  Lots of parking space!  Ask about the proposed “Poker Run” and “Kids Flight Day” while checking out the clubs field house.


Date :

Saturday, May 20, 2017


Event location :

County Road 10, Westport, ON, Canada


Contact :

Contact: Bill Green
Phone contact: 613-273-5282