Posts tagged ‘North Crosby Parks and Rec. Committee’

Westport Winter Carnival 2016

Winter Carnival Poster 3


The Winter Carnival this year will be spread over 2 weekends.

The first weekend, Saturday Feb.6/2016 begins with the Westport Lions Club Pond Hockey
Tournament. It takes place on Sand Lake at The Lions Club beach if you are interested in participating
contact Bob Reddick at 273-3499.
There will be food and drink and lots of outdoor family fun

The second weekend, begins Friday Feb.12/2016, at The Westport Community Center with our own
Westport Jr. B Rideaus taking on The Brockville Tiki’s. The Theme is ” fill the rink”.
Before the Game, there will be a Special Presentation to FOTA from Aviva. $50,000 dollar Cheque.
In addition, FOTA will be honoring its many Supporters and Volunteers.
Watch for the Mayors Challenge……it should be a blast.
Lots of Draws and Prizes

Saturday Feb. 13/2016, opens up with The 29th Annual Wolf Lake Howl Fishing Derby
Ontario Free Fishing Weekend…no license required for Ontario Residents.
Pike, Pickerel,Ling and Perch categories.
Cash and Draw Prizes.
Tickets available at: Norris Live Bait, Kudrinko’s , Bennett Bait and Tackle in Smith Falls and Wings Live Bait in Lynhurst
$15.00 Dollars per person, children under 12 free.
Final Weigh In will be at 3 PM on Saturday afternoon.
Canteen available
Hey, if you have not tried ice fishing this is your chance to get it off your bucket list. Talk about Family Fun !!!!

Sunday Feb. 14/2016, opens up with the Westport Arts Council’s Winter Games
This Event takes place at the Westport Community Center’s Parking Lot .
Begins at 11 am with Horse and Wagon rides around the streets of Westport. 16 to 18 people per ride, no charge, donation only.
Hot food and beverage will be available outside until 4pm, thanks to John Pringle and Cottage Coffee House.
Also at 11, Westwinds Farm will provide a Petting Zoo and Pony Rides for the Kids to enjoy.
The Winter Games will begin at 1pm. These games consist of: Crosscut Sawing, Nail Hammering,Fresh Egg Maraton and Tug of war.
The teams will see: Business vs Business, Service Club vs Service Club, Fire Dept. vs Fire Dept., Seniors vs Seniors and last but not least
Kids vs Kids.
This will be an exciting afternoon.
Plaques already hang at Town Hall for the winners of last years events and those same plaques will awarded to the winners of this years Events
Everyone is invited back to the Cove at 4 pm for free live entertainment. (Shawn and Henry)
Also on Sunday: The Royal Canadian Legion Upper Rideau Branch 542 Westport Presents: Sundary In the Country

Happy Valentine’s day.

Bring your Valentine to Westport’s own ” Sunday in the Country” with the one and only Jeff Code and his band Silver Wings.
Event gets underway 2 until 6 pm. $10 per person.
Light lunch served.

Monday Feb.15/2016, this Event takes place at North Crosby’s Shlington Park. 1 until 4 pm.
Outside: Skating and Snowshoeing
Inside: Crafts and Karaoke and Hot Chocolate.
Mayors Challenge, don’t miss it , should be fun

This Winter Carnival has been made possible by 7 different groups, that have come together to promote Westport and Area Winter carnival.
The Westport Arts Council
The Westport Lions Club
The Royal Canadian Legion Upper Rideau Br. 542
The Wolf Lake Howl Group
The Westport Jr.B Rideaus
The Westport Parks and Rec Committee
The North Crosby Parks and Rec. Committee.

The Sponsor for this entire Event:: Jim Archambault and Rideau Valley Hearth and Home.
When you run into Jim, thank him for his support, we really appreciate it.