Posts tagged ‘community events’

Village of Westport :: November ongoing events 2018

1BINGO every Monday night at the Upper Rideau Branch 542 (Westport) and Thursday night at the Elgin Lions Hall. Doors open at 6:00pm.


BRIDGE every Tuesday at 1:00pm at the Elgin Municipal Complex.  Info 613-359-6192. 2


CHAFFEY’S LOCK COMMUNITY HALL MARKET SQUARE every Sunday from late May to October.  Local crafts persons and artists.


COFFEE DROP-IN: Throughout the Township come and enjoy a bit of social fun!  Bring your 3latest craft project, a deck of cards or just yourself.  Children are welcome.  Donations appreciated.  Every Monday morning from 8am to 10:30am at the Delta United Church – call Pat Philips 613-928-2712; Tuesday mornings in Morton – Morton Mug – contact Linda Gamble 613-876-3884; every Wednesday morning from 10am to Noon at the Newboro Community Hall call Joan 613-272-2393; Thursday mornings at the Portland Community Hall contact Betty James 613-272-2461 and every Friday morning at the Elgin Municipal Complex Community Hall from 9:30am – call Linda Carr 613-272-2227.


4COMMUNITY LUNCH The 1st Friday of the month at the Elgin Municipal Complex – 11:30am to 12:30pm soup and sandwiches.  It’s a pay-what-you-can lunch. Contact Linda Carr 613-272-2227.  The 4th Tuesday of every month at the Portland United Church from noon to 1pm call 613-272-2002 for details.


5COMMUNITY SHOPPING BUS sponsored through the Portland Seniors Club leaves for the local shopping mall in Kingston every 2nd Tuesday of the month.  Call Vicki at 613-272-2676 to reserve your seat.  Cost $15.00 return trip.  Not just for seniors!  All ages welcome.


DELTA McMUFFIN LIGHT BREAKFAST every Saturday morning from 7:30am to 10am at Delta United Church.  $5 will get you coffee with an egg & English muffin and a chance to meet your neighbours.  Everyone is welcome.


6EUCHRE is played Monday afternoons at the South Elmsley Community Hall (Marie Jordan at 613-283-4035), Tuesday afternoons at the Elgin Municipal Complex Community Room (Doug Summers 613-359-5744), Wednesday evenings at the North Crosby Community Hall (6 hand) (Jim Mulville 613-273-3008), Thursday evenings at the Upper Rideau Branch 542, Westport (Joan Thompson 613-273-5613) and at the Delta Legion every Friday at 7pm (Pat Philips 613-928-2712).  Forfar Euchre is every Friday at 7:30pm in the hall.


PARKINSON SUPPORT GROUP meets the last Monday of every month at 1:30pm at Community Home Support  Services, 40 Sunset Blvd Suite D, Perth.  Contact Melissa McDougall at 613-267-6400 


11SPAGHETTI DINNERS 1st Friday of every month at the Portland Legion; 2nd Friday at the Elgin Lions Hall and also combine their very popular Quiz Night with the spaghetti dinner (teams of 6 start the game at 7pm) and the 3rd Friday is at the Upper Rideau Branch 542, Westport.



Rideau Lakes Horticultural Society



RIDEAU LAKES HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY presents Diana Beresford-Kroeger speaking on Call of the Forest – The Forgotten Wisdom of Trees starting at 7:15pm at the Portland Community Hall. All Welcome! ($5.00 admission for non-members).

We meet the 1st Wednesday of the month from April to December at the Portland Community Hall, doors open at 6:30pm, we encourage members to come early, have some refreshments and mingle. Meetings will start at 7:15pm and end at 8:30pm.


Date :
Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Event location :
Portland Community Hall

Contact :
Contact: Virginia Bourget
Phone:    613-489-1122


Rideau Lakes Horticultural Society


RIDEAU LAKES HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY presents speaker Joanna Kowalczyk – The Art and Science of Pruning starting at 7:15pm at the Portland Community Hall. All Welcome! ($5.00 admission for non-members)

The Society provides free refreshments and door prizes, as well as information and advice on all your gardening needs.

Opening in 2000, with only one section of the debris-filled foundation of a collapsed dairy barn cleared and a few newly planted gardens, the Walls have gone on to create a destination that provides a unique gardening experience.

Finding the weather in our area to include fairly significant droughts and hot spells, the Walls decided to focus on long-blooming, drought tolerant, lower maintenance succulents and alpines. They seek rare and unusual seeds from around the world and not normally found in the retail trade, which they germinate, grow in their gardens and observe for a year before offering to their customers. They also offer workshops in hypertufa containers and decorative leaf art, which you can use as water features, birdbaths, planting containers and stepping stones.

Judy Wall trained in Horticulture at University of Guelph and is a Lanark County Master Gardener. She is the Past President of the Ottawa Valley Rock Garden and Horticultural Society, and a member of the North American and Ontario Rock Garden Societies.

Date :
May 4, 2016 at 7.15 p.m

Location event :
24 Water St, Portland, On. (Portland Community Hall)

Contact :
John Carley 613-359-6031

February Events at The Cove

ID-1007393Happy Westport Wally…
Not going to lie to you, it would be impossible for Wally to see his shadow today!Lots of warm fuzzy happenings in our lil town over the next month. Be sure to check some out! Continuing in February, 50% OFFRooms Sunday-Thursday Nights! 30% OFF Spa Everyday!
Thanks and hope to see you soon, Seamus and all of us at The Cove.


Every Monday
Kids 1 and under eat FREE

Every Tuesday
Age 55+ Get 25% off

Every Wednesday
WINGS’N TUNES with Shawn McCullough
(Guitar+Vocal, Country/Rock) 6-9pm
One pound of Wings+ Fries + Veggies $10

Fri. Feb. 6
JEFF CALLERY (Guitar+Vocal, Country/Rock) 6-9pm

Sat. Feb. 7
Fundraiser fro MUSICWestport Fetival
THE ROCKABILLY RIOT 7-11pm, $45 uffet+ Show, Tickets Only

Fri. Feb. 13
JOHN WILBERFORCE (Guitar+Vocal, Country/Rock) 6-9pm

Sat. Feb. 14
(Guitar+Vocal Duo) 6-10pm, $50 4 course Dinner+ Show

Sun. Feb. 15
The Return of…
WESTPORT WINTER CARNIVAL COMPETITIONS @ Westport Arena, Ballfield 111am-4pm

AFTER PARTY @ The Cove with Shawn McCullough, Henry Norwood,+ Wade Foster 4-8pm

Fri. Feb. 20 + Sat. Feb 21\Blues on the Rideau Presents
7-11pm, $60 Buffet, Show+Charity

Fri. Feb. 27
TOM SAVAGE (Guitar+Vocal, |country/Rock/Blues) 6-9pm

Sat. Feb. 28
HEAD OVER HEELS (Guitar + Vocal Dupo) 6-9pm

Free Family Skate by Tangled Garden Cafe and Review-Mirror

ID-10043365Tangled Garden Cafe and Review-Mirror would like to extend a Christmas present to the community of Westport, free family skate at the Westport arena.

These two days should be marked on your calendar so you and your family can come out and enjoy some precious time together having fun on the ice with your friends and family.

Monday December 29-  11am to 12 noon
Monday February 16- 11 am to 12 noon
(family day)

So from all of us at Tangled Garden and Review-Mirror, Merry Christmas!