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Afternoon & Evening Activities
3 p.m. Commencement of Canada Day Celebrations at the Rideau District Museum with the Colour party of the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 542
3:15 p.m. 16th Annual Bicycle Parade NOTE PARADE ROUTE CHANGE!!
Bedford Street from the Rideau District Museum to Church St., then Spring St., to the Westport Community Centre.
A wonderful way to celebrate Canada’s Birthday Decorate yourself, bike, tricycle, or stroller, in Red and White, and proudly walk throughout town. Sponsored by the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 542
Special presentation following bike parade by
Sparky and the Fire Department at the Fire Hall on Spring Street 4:15 p.m. Rideau Lakes Recreational Dancers at beach.
4:30-7:30 p.m. Rock Climbing Wall, Morphy Caterpillar, Ballon Twister
4 p.m. Free Shuttle Bus Begins
4 p.m. Bingo – Good old fashioned bingo in the Lions Club Beach House.
4-6 p.m. Gert and Aud Aster Will paint your face, and deliver smiles.
Pony Rides & Petting Zoo Provided by Westwinds Ranch
8 p.m. ZZ Top Tribute Band
This incredible band brings audience participation into the music, just like ‘ZZ Top’. The props, fury guitars, the stage production, is just like, Billy Gibbons Band. If you are a ZZ Top fan, we are sure you will enjoy the show. All Day DJ Services by Tom Gard
Free Shuttle Bus!
To and from the beach. Leaving the Westport Community Centre & St. Edwards School
Special thank you to Martin’s Bus Service for donating the use of the buses.
Yummy food prepared throughout the afternoon and evening by the North Crosby Recreation Committee. umm-ummm GOOD
Swimming & Changing Facilities
Available No Lifeguard on Duty.
No Parking at the Beach
Handicap & Volunteers ONLY
The Main Event
Spectacular Fireworks at 10 p.m.. Display By Licensed fireworks supervisors
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