Posts tagged ‘After School Kid Club’

After School Kid Club



Create, build and try something new! This free after-school program open to kids ages 7 to 12 (grades 1 to 6) runs most Mondays and lets kids try new art activities, build with lego or create crafts. Contact Laura Lee Davies with any questions: All building, arts and craft materials are provided: you bring the fun. Light snacks served so please let Laura Lee know if you have any food concerns. We follow the school calendar so the club will not run on holidays, March Break or in case of bus cancellations. 


Date :
Monday, October 21, 2019 from 4:00pm – 5:15pm

Event location :
Rideau Lakes Public Library,

26 Halladay St, Elgin, ON K0G 1E0, Canada

Contact :
For more information email or call 613-359-5315.