Archive for the ‘The Old Stone Mill’ Category.

Delta Maple Syrup Festival



A community event sponsored by the Delta Agricultural Society


The Old Stone Mill will be open for tours from 9 am to 3 pm. Our ever popular Giant Used Book Sale will take place in the Old Town Hall on Saturday and Sunday. Blacksmithing demonstrations will take place on Saturday in the Mill Drive Shed.

Milling demonstrations will take place in the mill, starting at 1 pm, on both days. Admission is free.

For more information about this event, please visit


Date :

Saturday, April 15 to Sunday, April 16, 2017


Event location :

Westport, ON


Contact :

Heather Halladay

Phone contact : 613-928-2995

Website :


Spirits of the Mill



We will gather at the Old Town Hall in Delta at 7:00 pm and take a walk to the Old Stone Mill where we will meet some very interesting people from the past. Then we’ll return to the Old Town Hall for a presentation on “Pioneer Funeral Foods” by Joyce Gunnewiek and end the evening with refreshments. Cost for the evening is $5.00 per person. “Not for the faint of heart”

The Old Stone Mill at Delta was built in 1810 by William Jones and Ira Schofield and is one of the earliest surviving, fully automatic, grist mills of Upper Canada. In 1817 the mill was described as “unquestionably the best building of the kind in Upper Canada”.

The prime artifact of the Delta Mill Society is the Mill itself, an imposing Georgian-style stone structure of four stories, 40 by 60 feet (12m x 18m). This National Historic Site is a proud reminder of the industrial heritage of Eastern Ontario. In 2005 the newly renovated mill was enhanced with beautiful interpretive signboards and displays, in 2007 a water-wheel was installed and in 2010, working millstones and a bolter were put in place. A feature exhibit, Down by the Old Millstream, Celebrating Life on the Beverley Lakes can be found on the third floor of the mill. An illustrated self-guided tour allows the visitor to easily browse all these exhibits.

When you first enter the mill, you’ll see and hear the rushing water that first powered a water wheel and later a turbine to operate the various machinery of the mill. Much of this machinery is on display, starting with equipment such as millstones used the early 1800s era and moving up to machinery used in the early 1900s.

The displays and the stunning architecture of the mill itself make a visit to the mill an unforgettable experience.

Date :
Saturday, October 29, 2016

Contact :
The Delta Mill Society
Box 172, Delta, Ontario K0E 1G0
Tel: 613-928-2584 (office)

Delta Maple Syrup Festival 2016

1212The Old Stone Mill NHS will be open for tours from 9 am to 3 pm during Delta’s Maple Syrup Festival. A used Book Sale will take place in the Old Town Hall on Saturday and Sunday, light refreshments will be available. Milling and blacksmithing demonstrations will take place on Saturday, starting at 1 pm. Many other activities taking place in Delta.

Established in 1967, the Delta Maple Syrup Festival was the first maple celebration to be established in the area. In planning for Canada’s Centennial, a small group of dedicated volunteers met regularly in the Council Chambers at the Old Town Hall. As President of the group, Harold Russell worked tirelessly as he contacted every farmer, arranged for sugar shack visits and tours, promoted sugaring off demonstrations and jack wax parties.

In the beginning, the Festival was a three day event held in March which included feeding pancakes and syrup to busloads of students on school trips. In order to keep up with the crowds, meals were served on both floors of the Old Town Hall.

Visitors were able to tour local sugar bushes along with watching maple syrup being bottled and maple candy being made in the Confederated Foods Syrup Plant building.

Over the years, the Festival continued through the efforts of many local residents and Service Clubs
before becoming a project for the Directors of the Delta Agricultural Society. And now, the tradition continues 49 years later!


Date :
April 16th and 17th, 2016 | 9 a.m to 3 p.m

Please contact Heather Halladay
Phone: 613-928-2949
Or The Delta Fair Office at 613-928-2800
E-mail :

Or visit the

The Delta Mill Society 2015 BREAD BAKING CONTEST

The Delta Mill Society 2015 BREAD BAKING CONTESTThe Delta Mill Society
Saturday, October 3, 2015



Mark October 3 on your calendar and come to Delta and enjoy the first annual Delta Harvest Festival. There will be lots of things going on – fun for the whole family starting with a Harvest Breakfast at 8:00 am.

A contest using Old Stone Mill Red Fife or Rye flour to see who can produce the best loaf of bread in several categories. Entries will be judged at our First Annual Delta Harvest Festival on October 3 – the winner’s names will go down in Delta history!!

Bread Baking Contest:

10 Categories: B1 to B5 are adult categories and J1 to J5 are junior categories for youth 15 years of age or under.

All loaves must use some portion of Old Stone Mill (OSM) Flour (see categories)

Prizes: 1st, 2nd, 3rd place for each category. Loaves will be judged on appearance, texture and taste.

Category B1/J1 – Whole Wheat (using 100% OSM Whole Wheat flour) – any method, free form or pan.

Category B2/J2 – Whole Wheat (minimum 60% OSM Whole Wheat flour) – hand made*, baked in a pan.

Category B3/J3 – Whole Wheat (minimum 60% OSM Whole Wheat flour) – bread machine.

Category B4/J4 – Rye (minimum 40% OSM Rye flour) – hand made*, free form or pan.

Category B5/J5 – Artisan, any kind (minimum 50% OSM flour) – hand made*, free form loaf.

* A stand mixer with a dough hook may be used to mix and knead the dough.


Old Stone Mill Flour must be used (as specified for each category) – cost is $5 per bag if the flour is to be used for the contest. The flour can be purchased at the Mill or contact 613-928-2584 to arrange for a pick-up.

The empty Old Stone Mill Flour bag must accompany the bread.

Entry must be a full loaf wrapped in plastic.

The full recipe used must accompany the bread. Winners agree that The Delta Mill Society may publish their recipe (website, newsletter, etc.). Recipe credit will of course be given to the baker.

Please bring your bread to the Old Town Hall before 10 a.m. on Sat. Oct. 3rd. Judging will start at 10:00 am.

Contest is open to everyone other than those tasting and judging.

Enter any or all of the Categories – please fill out a separate entry form for each loaf.

For more info please contact or call 613-928-2796.

Thanksgiving Festival at Delta Mill

Thanksgiving Festival at Delta MillFor many years The Delta Mill Society has hosted this October event.

Saturday before Thanksgiving (10th October 2015)

In 2015, the event was moved to the Saturday before Thankgiving (to make it easier for volunteer participation).

It features a sale of home baking, preserves, vegetable produce, crafts, plants, dried flowers, all donated by members of the community. Visitors arrive from Ottawa, Kingston, Brockville and many other centres to enjoy the country atmosphere of this lovely village, to purchase the sale products and to take part in the activities and demonstrations of special interest (such as blacksmithing) sponsored by the Society.

Delta Harvest Festival

Delta Harvest FestivalWhen: Saturday, October 3

Begin Saturday, October 3 off with our Harvest Breakfast in the Old Town Hall starting at 8:00 am. Later, take a tour of the Old Stone Mill and see how wheat is ground into flour on the millstones. That flour is available for purchase in the gift shop. The blacksmith will also be on site to show his trade plus there will be food vendors set up inside the Mill to sell their wares and a produce sale providing an opportunity to purchase your harvest vegetables.

Lunch will be a BBQ Octoberfest Sausage or Hot Dog and then stick around for a Ham Supper with fall harvest fruits and vegetables hosted by the Delta United Church in the Old Town Hall.



Other events will include a bread making contest, a used book sale, a new book launch, plus rope making and corn shucking demonstrations. There will be lots of games and activities for kids and great musical entertainment provided by Fiddlers Plus.

The Fire Hall Museum will be open, Lower Beverley Lake Park will host wagon rides through the Park and village plus will be holding a 25 per cent sale on camping rates. At the fair grounds the Delta Agricultural Society will be hosting a vendor sale, plus a horse draw.

End the day by enjoying the Harvest Festival Dance which will take place in the Agricultural Society Hall from 9 pm to 1 am.

See what the Village of Delta has to offer.

Make Delta your destination for the day!

Delta Harvest Festival Program Guide & Map
October 3, 2015
Thanks to our Community Partners: Delta Agricultural Society, Delta United Church, Delta Baptist Church, Royal Canadian Legion Br 207, Delta Athletic & Recreational Society, Rideau Island and Lakes Theatre Group, Delta Fire Hall Museum, Lower Beverley
Lake Park and all the volunteers!

Harvest Breakfast
(Old Town Hall) – Enjoy sausage, eggs,
home fries, toast, coffee /tea, and juice from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m.
Adults: $8.00 / Children 5 to 12: $5.00

Used Book Sale
(Old Town Hall) – free will donation
Old Stone Mill opens: tours, gift shop, vendors (bread, produce,
preserves and crafts), snack table.

Fairgrounds Main Hallopens ($5 admission to Fairgrounds) –
vendors in the Main Hall include Tupperware, Regal Gifts and
Greetings, homemade cards, homemade crafts, jewelry, baked
goods, knitting Party Lites, Epicure, Jan Berry Nails, and Unique
Make up, Avon, Steeped Tea, Bling Thing, Wood Carving, Steel,
and Sensational Candles.

Octoberfest Sausages
(Fairgrounds, all day)

Fire Hall Museum
opens (9am to 4pm)

Blacksmithing Demonstrations
(Drive Shed – 9am to 4pm)

Bread Baking Contest
Judging (Old Town Hall)

Rope making and corn shelling
demonstrations at the mill
(10am to 11am and 1pm to 2pm)

Wagon Rides of the Village
– pick-up/drop-off at Lower
Beverley Lake Park, Old Town Hall, Fairgrounds (10am to 2pm)

Launch of Pioneer Cookbook
by Joyce Gunnewiek
(Old Town Hall)

Horse Draw, Fairgrounds’ Grandstand ($5 entry to Fairgrounds)

Children’s Activities at the DARS Rec Centre (11am to 2pm)

BBQ Hot Dog or Sausage Lunch at the Mill (11am to 1pm)

Music by Fiddler’s Plus
(along the street – 11am to noon)

Rope making and corn shelling
demos (mill – noon to 1pm)

Milling Demonstration
(Old Stone Mill)

Music by Fiddlers Plus
(along the street – 1pm to 2pm)

Harvest Supper
(Old Town Hall) from 4pm to 6pm – Enjoy ham,
scalloped potatoes, baked beans, harvest vegetables, apple
crisp or pumpkin pie and beverage.
Adults: $12.00 / Children 5 to
12 years of age: $6.00. Sponsored by the Delta United Church.

Harvest Festival Dance
(Fairgrounds Main Hall) – 9pm to 1am
with DJ Jef incent – $5.00 admission at the door.

Festival of Small Halls at the Delta Old Town Hall – The Strumbellas

Festival_home_day_textCommunity Supper on Friday September 25th

$10 hot supper served starting at 5:30PM at the hall.

Reservations are required at

Cash bar. All proceeds go to support the Old Stone Mill NHS.

A musical evening in the Old Town Hall with the THE STRUMBELLAS featuring sweeping bluegrass-inspired indie rock music.

For more information, click here: small-halls-strumbellas

The Ontario Festival of Small Halls is about sharing a love of music in a beloved place. Brought to you by the Team Behind Bluesfest, the Festival of Small Halls brings exceptional Canadian musicians to small venues across Eastern Ontario.

Every small community has one: a treasured building that brings people together for town meetings, yoga classes, bingo games, local theatre, white elephant sales—and the list goes on.

These buildings have rich cultural histories and countless stories to tell. No two are alike. During the festival, communities across Eastern Ontario will throw open the doors of their small halls for an unforgettable night of music. Some of Canada’s best musicians will step off the big stage and hit the scenic back roads to perform in legions, schools, churches, or town halls. They will receive a warm, small-town welcome from communities of music lovers who are eager to show off their treasured halls and their hospitality, all in the name of excellent music.

Small Halls festivals are popping up around the world. What started in PEI has spread to Australia, and now to Ontario. The Festival of Small Halls is proud to join this international community dedicated to showcasing first-rate music in intimate venues.

The Festival of Small Halls is about sharing big music in small, cherished places. It’s about settling into the heart of a community, and then experiencing music with heart.

June 2015 events at the Mill



Saturday, June 6

MILLING DEMONSTRATION – the millwheels will be turning, starting at 1 pm, grinding heritage Red Fife wheat into flour. Come out and see how high quality flour is made.


Tuesday, June 9

DELTA MILL SOCIETY ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. A business meeting will be held at 7:00 pm followed by a coffee house and social time in the Old Town Hall featuring Sir John A. and Lady Agnes Macdonald (expertly portrayed by Brian and Renee Porter) who will regale us with stories about our first Prime Minister. All are welcome to attend.


Saturday, June 20

MILLING DEMONSTRATION – the millwheels will be turning, starting at 1 pm, grinding heritage Red Fife wheat into flour. Come out and see how high quality flour is made.

May Events at The Old Stone Mill


    • Saturday, May 9 – A MOTHER’S DAY VICTORIAN TEA will be held on Saturday in the Old Town Hall from 2 pm to 4 pm. The tea will feature watercress and egg salad sandwiches, scones with butter, jam & cream, Empire cookies, Richmond Maid of Honour Tarts, Lemon Squares, Banbury Tarts, Fruit Cake, Tea, milk, sugar, lemon. Period costume fashion show and more. Treat your Mum to something special. Tickets only $20. For Advance Tickets please contact Cathy Livingston 613-928-2796 or by email
    • Saturday, May 16 – SEASON OPENING OLD STONE MILL – Old Stone Mill opens for the season – 10 am to 5 pm daily


    • Saturday & Sunday, May 23-24 – MILLING DEMONSTRATION – the millwheels will be turning in the mill, starting at 1 pm, grinding heritage Red Fife wheat into flour. Come out and see how high quality flour is made.


    • Saturday & Sunday, May 23-24 – BROCKVILLE DOORS OPEN – featuring tours of the Old Stone Mill, a Ploughman’s Lunch at the Old Town Hall (11:00 am to 2:00 pm), plus milling and blacksmithing demonstrations starting at 1:00 pm. The Ploughman’s Lunch will feature Stone Mill Bread, Homemade Chutney and other delectables for only $8.00. Come out, enjoy a nice lunch, take a tour of the mill, watch a blacksmith ply his art and see how flour used to be made.

Mother’s Day Saturday Afternoon Tea – May 9

“Mrs. Walter Denaut”

Invites you to Afternoon Tea

Mother’s Day Saturday, May 9, 2015

2 p.m. to 4 p.m.

The Old Town Hall – Delta
Cost per person $20.00

Come and Bring Your Mother, Grandmother, Auntie or any special Lady you love and join us for this special Afternoon Tea served with Savoury Tea Sandwiches and Delectable Sweets (Historic Dress or Hat optional)

“Mrs Walter Denaut” will explain the traditions of the Victorian Afternoon Tea, and share a little about living in Delta in the mid 1800’s.

Also included will be a “Parade of Fashions From The Past”

For Advance Tickets please contact Cathy Livingston
at 613-928-2796
or email
or any of the Directors on the DMS
or call 613-928-2584 (office)
or email The Delta Mill Society: